Sunday 5 April 2020

Another week bites the dust

Well done to all of us that have survived another week of lockdown!

Time to try out one of those samples of gin and vodka liqueurs that I had for a birthday present.  Cheers!

(happy to report that the Hotel Chocolat Cocoa Gin was absolutely delicious.  Will report back on the salted caramel vodka liqueur after Sunday lunch!)

Have you kept busy?  Luckily the weather has been nice so we have planted some tomato, courgette and runner bean seeds in the home made newspaper and toilet roll homemade seed pots.

We have had a Zoom family chat

Some lovely long dog walks over the park, sticking to the new rules

We have started an alphabet game with Leo where we each have to find three things that start with the same letter each day.  Naturally we started with the first letter of his name

I've done two Zumba online classes - again, using Zoom - which were great fun and really lifted my mood

Our teacher also organised a 'happy hour' for us to have a virtual get together on Friday evening which was lovely - especially as I used it as an excuse to suggest that Paul should cook dinner while I was quaffing prosecco with my Zumba friends ;-)

Last night we took part in a virtual pub quiz on Youtube which made us realise how much you need a team of others to share your knowledge with, as out of a possible 50 points, we only got 25!

So we are getting through it and having been in touch with a couple of friends who live in Spain, I realise that restrictions could be even tighter if people don't comply to the rules we have in place now.  My friend has a daughter who lives in Hong Kong and things were getting back to normal there, and then they opened the borders, and people returning have started a new wave of cases so everyone entering HK has to go into 14 days of quarantine automatically now.  They have curfews in place still and she knows of people who have been arrested by not complying.  So, bad as things are here, it could be worse!

What's been the highlight of your week?  Let's share some ideas of things to do!

5 comments: said...

Come do Sunday Stills photo challenge with me!! It is hosted by Terri at Second Wind Perspectives. The prompts for this month are:
04.05.2020 Fantastic Florals
04.12.2020 Lifted Spirits
04.19.2020 Mother Earth
04.26.2020 Dog Day Afternoon

I do a round-up post of all of my pictures on the first Sunday of the new month. So will share my April photos the first part of May.

I was going to make up a scavenger hunt to do with Lucia. Now I think we shall have to do it ourselves and she can do it with her mommy and daddy.

This week I will try your Zumba class. Thanks for the info on it.

Patio Postcards said...

Let me see .... Lemon, Ladybug & Leash. I like how you are working out ways to stay connected with your groups. It is absolutely marvelous that so many have found ways to work with technology to keep those connections & social times rolling. Women working towards a common goal is a mighty army.

This West London Life said...

What a fun way to connect daily with young Leo!
Modern technology has proved invaluable for keeping in touch and for discovering workout videos - I've finally tried yoga! Which was enjoyable but really brought how to me just how inflexible I am, particularly across my shoulders.
I'm smiled at your enjoyment of your flavoured gins - chin, chin!

Barbara Eads said...

It sounds like you are making the most of our current situation. I love that your Zumba instructor is continuing your classes as well as keeping you all connected via Zoom. We've been having happy hour every Friday with our family via Zoom. That makes it seem more like a party! Of course, I enjoy my Sipsmith lemon gin with Fevertree tonic!!

alexa said...

That's a lovely happy post, full of nice things! Great that you can keep going with the zumba and your own class. I'm beginning to feel it will be a little strange when things go back to normal!