Monday 6 April 2020

'Ta Dah' in March

Well.  March.  What can I say?  It certainly wasn't a normal month and not one which captured many 'ta dah!' moments.  There's been enough negative moments documented, let's see what what things I can find to celebrate (other than managing to find a dozen eggs to buy in a local supermarket!)


I celebrated a birthday!  We went out for a meal on the Saturday and had a big family get together on the Sunday, both situations are unlikely to happen again for a little while!

Rachel's friends used to refer to me as Mumma Keys and the name has stuck 
(For those who don't know me in real life, my surname starts with the word 'Key')

Yes it was raining on our walk around the lake but the two littlest members of the family were in desperate need of a nap after lunch, so it was umbrellas out, coats on and off we went!


The only other 'ta dah' I can mention this month and is definitely one that needs recording for posterity is that we managed to follow the rules of lockdown.  From the day it was announced to the end of the month (and beyond) we have not left the house other than to buy food or pharmaceutical products, exercise or walk Coco in the park.  No socialising, not even with family.  Probably the hardest 'ta dah' so far.

Keep safe everyone - and stay home!


This West London Life said...

Good that March brought you a few Ta-Dah moments ... I hope you manage to find some this month as well.

Patio Postcards said...

Well done on your Ta-Dah moments for March. What a pretty birthday cake. I am sure April will have "her" moments of Ta-Dah for you. So far, look at all your technology skills with keeping connected with family & friends.

Susanne said...

Glad you had those ta-dah moments in March. We must look for them or make them as we plod through April, mustn't we?

Sharon Fritchman said...

I am so happy that you got to celebrate your birthday with family. What a wonderful ta-dah moment! Stay healthy and well throughout this crisis. HUGS and thanks for stopping by my blog.

Barbara Eads said...

I'm so glad to hear you are taking the self-quarantining seriously. We are too. I'm surprised at so many who are not. Still, you've managed to find many positive moments to be grateful for!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Glad to hear you had a Birthday Ta Dah. Lets hope we all find some in April :)

Conservor said...

Great post thankyouu