Wednesday 6 May 2020

Currently in May

Joining in with Anne at to share what I am currently doing this month.

Well, I am learning to speak Spanish via the Duolingo app on my phone.  I've always wanted to learn to speak Spanish and now is the perfect time to do it!  I have a tiny bit of conversational Spanish that I've picked up on holidays but apart from being able to book a table in a restaurant, order a meal and pay the bill, I wouldn't say that I could hold a conversation.  So it's just five minutes a day per lesson and you can do as many lessons as you like, until you make 4 mistakes and lose all your hearts!

Like everyone else, I am missing my family.  I think it almost makes it worse knowing that Rachel and her family are just 10 minutes walk away and Jon and his family are just a 30 minute drive.  But we must stick to the restrictions and no matter how much we want to see each other, it would be so wrong to break the rules.  The more we stick to them, the sooner the hospital figures will come down and maybe the government will relax some of the restrictions.

I am actually loving trying new recipes or remembering old ones that I haven't made for a while.  We are trying to only go to the supermarket once a week and I am relishing the challenge of making a week of meal plans, compiling a comprehensive shopping list and then doing just one weekly shop.

We haven't been told to wear face masks yet here in the UK, in the understanding that while they may stop you from spreading germs to others, unless they are worn correctly, are the right type, and washed as soon as you return home they may give you a false sense of security.  However, it just felt right to make some so that if the rules suddenly change, we are prepared.

I have just finished reading a book that I chose myself rather than one set by our book club.  I am a fan of Christobel Kent and I am reading The Summer House.  Her books are often set in Italy and she has a way of writing that transports you to those idyllic locations, so your imagination is free to travel even when you can't go in person!  But I am currently reading this month's book club choice which is In Five Years by Rebecca Serle.  I love the idea of being in an online book club, it is encouraging me to read books I may not have chosen myself, if you fancy joining in too, there's always room for one more person!  Pop over to Leslie's blog to find out more.


This West London Life said...

You've certainly got plenty of things to fill your days.
The hardest part of the lockdown for me is the lack of socialisation - I'm really missing my time at the gym's pool, our dog walker crowd, meeting friends for a cuppa and a chat, even just bumping into people.
But you're right - the more we obey the restrictions, the sooner they can begin to be lifted. Sending you a virtual hug.

Patio Postcards said...

Well done with your Spanish lessons. I like that your lessons are just 5 minutes a day. I am sure the NHS thanks you for following the rules. I know that everywhere there are people bending or out right not following the rules. All of the info we are being given about masks (here it is already mandatory at so many places) is that it is not about protecting you, but protecting others from you. I have been watching Dr David Campbell's uTube updates (he's in the UK) & he strongly recommends masks & is recommending your government issue an order. said...

My darling friend, thank you for the mention. And for sharing our book club with your readers. I am enjoying In Five Years and cannot figure out how this thing is going to end!

Glad you made some masks. I agree that they probably give us a false sense of security but at the same time, they are probably better than nothing when out in public. I have several cloth masks that I wash and dry in the sun. Wearing them every time I go anywhere and all day long when I babysit my girls. Just so glad to be able to be with them again.

Hope you will soon have your babies and their babies in your arms. How many cases do you have of Covid in your area? They break our cases down by postal codes. In our postal code we have 28. But across the city we have almost 1100.

I really need to be brushing up on my Spanish because I am not using it much anymore. Don't want to lose it all together.
Adios, mi amiga!!

Maggie said...

Our book club has also started meeting online. Unfortunately our choice of book chosen before lockdown was not the best for such challenging times, Beloved by Toni Morrison.
I agree tha that we must persevere but I have an inkling that many are beginning to creep out and about. There is more traffic about. Some of course are working but I find it very annoying that some think they can bend the rules which could prolong things for those who are sticking so hard to it.

Barbara Eads said...

I am impressed at what you accomplishing during this time. I feel like I've wasted this time. I've stepped it up in the exercise department and that's a good thing. But it's these puzzles that have taken up so much of my time! Before we were married and shortly after, we did puzzles together. But once we started having children, that sort of went out the window. Although it's been a lot of fun, it is definitely a time waster! Learning a language---wow! Even if you just have a little conversational knowledge, that's pretty darn great!

Bojana said...

I always like new book ideas but like you, I belong to a book club so usually I only have time to read what the book club has choosen. Since we are at home more, I am reading more so I am adding your book suggestions so I can look into them. I do hope you get to reconnect with your family soon. We just began phase 1, a very tiny step, but are allowed to have up to 10 consistent people in our circle of people we can visit. Fingers crossed you get there soon, but you are right about waiting until our hospitals can handle the cases without a struggle.