Thursday 14 May 2020

More questions than answers

I had hoped that the TV statement from the Prime Minister on Sunday would not only show us a clear description of the next 'phase' of lockdown, but address a lot of the speculation that is going on at the moment.  I'm not sure that it did!

It feels like a lot of what we were told is open to misunderstanding - or interpreting the new rules as you would like them to be.  Life was in some ways easier in the morning when the rule was strictly, go out, have exercise with people you live with, up to an hour a day but it must be somewhere that does not involve driving.  

Which was not a problem, here we are enjoying an early morning dog walk in the sunshine, five minutes walk from our house.

Yesterday I had a message from our son - 'Can I come and visit you on Friday' - well, as if he had to ask, of course he can, we haven't seen him for weeks.  But now we're thinking that according to the new rules, you can only see one person from outside your household at a time, in the open air, but not in your garden.  So does he have to drive here, then one of us will go for a walk over the park with him, and then come home so we can swap and the other one can do the same?  Who knows?  That is probably what we will have to do and if it's the only way of seeing him, then I am more than happy to 'tag team'!

In other news:

Cake of the week is coffee and walnut

And the plants we are growing indoors from seed are thriving

I cannot tell you how much I am looking forward to the threat of an overnight frost being over and those runner beans can go out and stay out in the garden, I'm fed up with having to see this every time I go to the utility room to use the washing machine!

See those seedlings on the draining board?  Todays job is to repot them into individual pots ready for transplanting them into the great outdoors.  That should keep us busy - we'll have earned a slice of cake after that!

Keep safe everyone!


Patio Postcards said...

I think so many are still being politicians rather than leaders. Clear rules are needed, so not open to individual "oh I thought ..." In our eastern provinces they are being allowed to "pod" up with one other family. We also heard that each province is to make their own phase in or relaxation of lock down plans - which I get but as long as there is no inter province travel. Me I'm looking to the medical, scientists experts with facts to make my decisions & they are saying too much too soon. Mind you I haven't got family I am missing ...

♥ Liz ♥ said...

I thought the PM left us all a little confused too. You will be able to see your son but not hug him!! That will be so difficult. If you do, just make sure no-one is watching. Enjoy catching up with him.

Cheri said...

I understand your frustration Deb. We long ago gave up trying to make sense of all the mixed messages we are being sent. We are still waiting for our Governor to approve or veto legislation that passed in both house and senate to allow real estate and legal services to resume. We are literally the ONLY state in the U.S. that didn't have real estate on the list of "essential" services... explain that to the people who have been unable to find somewhere to live!

This West London Life said...

It's terribly confusing, worse then before - none of us are clear on what we can and cannot do.
Re your son - you have two options: 1) employ him as your cleaner and he can come into your house (but no hugging) or 2) put your house on the market and invite him to come and view it (but no hugging) ...

Above all, enjoy seeing him in the flesh!

Maggie said...

It's all very tricky. I kind of interpreted the meeting up to be aimed at all these people who have been isolating on their own so that for their mental health they could have some social contact but haven't people being doing that anyway? I can really understand you wanting to see your son and I should just use common sense on how you meet. It seems the main thing is to keep your distance. I shall have to wait longer to see my daughter because she is in Wales under different rules. When I said that perhaps we could meet up half way when Wales does relax her first question was "where will you go to the loo?" !!

Barbara Eads said...

I know what you mean about not knowing exactly what we're supposed to be doing. Seems to me you could have a nice visit in your garden while staying 6 ft. apart. It's outside. What makes the difference if it's in the front or back? We've been doing that for a little while now. Last weekend is the first time we let the family come in the house. We were outside, but some went in for drinks and to help with food. Things are loosening up around here, but some people are taking it too far.