Friday 2 October 2020

A sentence a day in September

 I feel that Autumn has crept up on us this month and September went by on fast forward!  It was the one month of the year that we spent a few days away from home.  That was a novelty!

Day 1 Our childminding day for Leo and Rosie, luckily the weather was lovely so we could spend a lot of time outdoors either in the garden or over the park

Day 2 Looked after Max today, had some fun over the playground which was not as busy as the 'big children' went back to school today.

Day 3 Hairdressing appointment - this time I had to keep a mask on the whole time I was there, 2 hours is the longest I've spent wearing one and I have to be honest, I was pleased to take it off!

Day 4 Went to Cambridge and was pleased to see that our favourite place for lunch had reopened but what a good job we got there early as they only have 4 tables now.

Day 5 Woke at 2.30am not feeling great, spent more time in the bathroom than the bedroom from then onwards!

Day 6 40th Wedding Anniversary - not the day we had planned, had to cancel our meal out as I was still unwell.

Day 7 Starting to feel a bit more human again, cautiously returning to 'normal' but still really tired (probably due to lack of food - those extra covid-kilos have definitely gone now #gottofindasilverlining)

Day 8 Looked after Leo and Rosie for the morning, Coco went to the groomers

Day 9 Did packing for our staycation - there is a possibility I may have put rather too much in the case but I blame a changeable weather forecast!

Day 10 Arrived in Chichester for our holiday - our Airbnb Georgian cottage is lovely!

Day 11 Visited Arundel, what a lovely village and fabulous castle dating back to 1067

Day 12 Today we visited the Weald and Downland living museum where they rescue historic homes from up to 1000 years ago, renovate them and place them in a village setting - it's such an interesting place set in 40 acres plus it's where the tv series The Repair Shop is filmed! 

Day 13 A beautifully sunny day so we headed first to the Marina and then to the beach - parked at East Wittering and then walked along the sea shore to West Wittering, a late Sunday lunch was booked at a lovely pub in Dell Quay which was absolutely delicious.

Day 14 Home again, Coco was very excited when we went to pick her up!

Day 15 Back to normal, a day for looking after Leo and Rosie - our first time of dropping Leo off and picking him up from school - it's 30 years since I did the same journey with his mummy!

Day 16 Our day for having Max, when Leo and Rosie found out he was here they insisted on coming to visit too, it was lovely to have them all here - neatly complying with the new 'Rule of Six' restrictions.

Day 17 Went to Zumba - back to the local hall - it felt SO good!

Day 18 Popped into town, on the hunt for a birthday present, so nice to be able to actually go into shops to browse rather than just scrolling through the online shops for inspiration.

Day 19 Did a LOT of work in the garden, clearing the bed where the new patio area will be, moving plants and general tidying up.

Day 20 Rachel and family came for Sunday lunch, weather was glorious so was nice to enjoy time in the garden.

Day 21 We were invited for cocktails in the afternoon to celebrate our friend's birthday, it was probably going to be the last sunny day for a while so naturally we had to go!

Day 22 Our day for childminding Rosie and Leo - on our walk to the lake in the afternoon Leo picked up 43 conkers - what on earth will he do with them all?

Day 23 Had Max here for the day, had some surprise news from the vets that Coco's routine annual check up shows she may have a slight heart murmur which is a bit worrying - lots of extra cuddles this evening.

Day 24 Zumba!  While I was out, there was a delivery of wood ready for the guy to start work on our new deck/patio area on Monday

Day 25 A day for catching up with chores

Day 26 Got my baking vibe on and baked some rock cakes, babysat for Leo and Rosie in the evening

Day 27 Jon, Sophie and Max came for Sunday lunch, thought we would squeeze a family dinner in before any local lockdowns come into force!

Day 28 The garden project has begun!  

Day 29 The first day that we have had Rosie here on her own for most of the day as Leo has now started school properly and didn't need picking up until 3pm.

Day 30 Had Max here for the day, took him to feed the ducks and was surprised to find that a swan and her cygnet arrived as well, I don't think we've ever had swans on the lake before.

Now to the point where we tie it all together - 30 days, in 1 Second Everyday

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Patio Postcards said...

Another stellar month for you. I really enjoy those 1 sec vids a day & I am pleased that I can play them. Thanks for the recommendation of Repair Shop, I've found & now we watch. Cheers to a fab October.

alexa said...

Glad you got over the lurghi and were well enough to enjoy that lovely break. We are great Repair Shop fans, so are very envious you've actually been there. How super to be so involved with the grandchildren; that photo of max made me smile. Isn't it funny how so many little ones prefer going up the slide to coming down!

Maggie said...

A busy month with lots of family time. At least if you get a lockdown you should still be able to childcare your grandchildren according to the rules at the moment.

Jennifer said...

Deb - I certainly enjoyed your look back at the month. I like this format. You had a busy and fun month...even a chance for a getaway. Hope your pup is feeling well (enjoying those extra snuggles) and glad that you were not under the weather for long. But on your anniversary:( I wanted to ask what are rock cakes??! I have no idea! said...

I always enjoy catching up with your life in these posts. Glad you are able to return to Zumba. Just having one or two things that feel normal helps so much with all that doesn't feel normal. Like wearing a mask for 2 hours to have your hair done.

Yay for the getaway. And for Coco's jubilant welcome home. That was the best part of coming home from a trip for me...being greeted by my pups.

We had 358 new cases of this darned virus today. Our hospitalizations were down but I don't feel comfortable going to the gym or church with the numbers climbing again. Felt kind of puny this weekend with a scratchy throat and headache.

Glad you were able to spend time with the babies as often as you were, to include dinner and time in the garden.

This West London Life said...

What a lovely month for you - plenty of time with your grandchildren, a few days away and back to Zumba! Sorry to hear about Coco, poor pup - it must be quite worrying for you.

Barbara Eads said...

Your consistent habit of doing your sentence a day each month is the perfect diary! You should print them out and add to a binder.It would be so much fun to look back on them.