Monday 26 October 2020

Don't be misled


Does this look the face of someone who is feeling sorry for her behaviour during the night?  Or does it look like the face of someone who enjoyed having us up and awake at midnight and again at 3.45am last Thursday just so she could run around the garden?  She, of course, comes back in and settles down in her bed falling asleep straight away.  Not quite the situation for us humans who were bleary eyed, a bit tetchy and in need of a very early night.

The good news is that our tests last Sunday were negative and we had our second ones this week.  But boy does it make you feel guilty, even when you are following the rules!  There are a lot of questions to be answered before you do the test.  Yes we had been out to a restaurant with other people for longer than an hour, but equally, yes we had kept our distance.  Yes, we had been inside someone else's house for longer than an hour, but we had kept that safe distance at all times.  Had we had physical contact with anyone other than ourselves?  Yes, but it is hard to change a grandson's nappy without touching him!  (Apparently, so long as grandchildren under 5 have no symptoms, touching them is ok!) How many times had we been to the shops?  Twice.  Had we worn masks at all times while in the shops?  Yes.  One thing guaranteed to make you keep to the rules is knowing that someone is going to be asking you about whether you've been keeping to the rules!  

It's been a busy and strange week.  Paul's mum's house finally exchanged and completed contracts on the same day and although he hadn't lived there for 40 years, it was still the only family home that they had lived in so emotionally it was a strange day, the last part of the process of dealing with the loss of his mum.  We had our two days of looking after grandchildren, those days go by in a blur.  I had a Zumba class and Paul played badminton, hopefully both those things will still continue even if we go into Tier 2.  I had a hair cut - wanted to get that done just in case they start to close hairdressers again!  We had a meal out with friends, and I don't know if it was because we hadn't been inside a restaurant with other people for so long, but it was such a nice evening.  The food was delicious and it was great to catch up with all the news as we hadn't seen them for ages.  Then we were also invited for an afternoon cup of tea with some other friends and Coco was invited too so that made everyone happy.  It felt that we had been safely sociable quite a lot and the week flew by.

Our attention has turned to the garden as we need to do a bit of planting before the weather turns so we went to a small garden centre near us and ended up buying a tree.  The assistant assured us that it would fit in the car and, after a squeeze, it kind of did but I did have the leaves on the top branches tickling my ear all the way home.

So today we are planning to go to another garden centre a little further away to stock up on some more spring flowering bulbs and a few bits to plant into the raised wooden beds we had built.  This particular garden centre is renowned for it's amazing Christmas department - shall be take bets now on whether or not a few new tree decorations find their way into my shopping basket?


Patio Postcards said...

I certainly don't think Coco feels one bit of guilt or shame about the nightly prowls.

I think it's so cool that you are part of this COVID study, I would sign up in a minute if there was such a thing in our region. We do the daily wellness check in with the Canadian app. Now that our weather has turned, I doubt I'll be having any more meet up with friends as they have all been out of doors. Two of my friends live in regions with more restrictions as their areas moved back to Stage 2. Numbers are rising after all the Thanksgiving gatherings, that were not suppose to happen.

Oh the mere thought of browsing for Christmas makes me tingle ... or should I say jingle!!

alexa said...

Doesn't look like canine contrition from here - maybe even a tinge of smugness amid the doziness? Your week sounds as if it has been very sociable and busy,and glad to hear there have been no adverse effects. It must be quite reassuring to be checked, as well as a little unnerving to have to account for yourself truthfully - a bit like going to confession! That must have been a very final thing for Paul for deal with - endings always take energy. Hoping that he has happy memories tucked away too. Looking forward to hearing what sort of tree you have! I have bags of bulbs here awaiting planting, but I'm going to google how to thwart the squirrels who dug up and ate my tulip bulbs last year!

This West London Life said...

Quite a week for you and Paul. x
Coco looks fairly smug in her contentedness!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Sounds like a full and interesting week and how can you be cross at that cute face? :0)