Monday 29 March 2021

Me on Monday

This weekend I reached a point where I needed something to look forward to.  This lockdown has gone on for SO long!  On Saturday we put together our outdoor table so we now have new seating if we should find ourselves catering for six people outdoors - now if the weather could just get a bit warmer that would be so nice as we enter the gentle easing of restrictions.

So, the big news is, we booked a holiday.

I had met up with the lady who looks after Coco last week and she was telling me they had booked a holiday with her daughter and family and if we wanted her to look after Coco, it might be worth reserving some dates.  It kind of gave me a little push.  Last year we were supposed to be going to Portugal with Rachel and her family but that was cancelled and she insisted that they still wanted us to go away with them this year to make up for it.  But of course, now Leo is at school so we are confined to school holidays.  

But I've found a nice cottage, within easy walk to the beach and shops, in the small town of Southwold in Suffolk (an area that Paul and I love to visit) I'm scared to get too excited about it because every time I've looked forward to something in the last 12 months, our PM has changed the rules and spoilt it all!  But at the moment I am cautiously optimistic.  Hopefully Paul and I will also get a few days away somewhere else in September when schools have gone back and places are less busy.

Remember the blanket I was crocheting with my leftover wool?  I only have one row of the border to do and it will be finished.  What am I going to do now to keep myself busy in the evenings?  Did I hear someone say 'start looking for a nice pattern for another one'?  😆

So today we start the next phase of slowly easing out of lockdown.  You can meet up in groups of up to six - or two households - outside (including your garden), outdoor sports can resume and weddings and civil partnerships can take place with up to six people attending.  Paul's badminton group have booked tennis courts for this evening so that they can meet up for a bit of exercise, I'm wondering how much they will be aching tomorrow after not exercising like that for over three months!  Also I cannot remember the last time Paul played tennis, let's just say that when he finally found the tennis racquet in the depths of the garage there were a lot of cobwebs to remove!

With Easter just around the corner we have tentatively invited our kids and their families over to sit in the garden, Jon on Friday and Rachel on Sunday.  Looking at the weather forecast I'm not sure they'll be staying for lunch but I'll stock up the fridge just in case and tell them to come with several coats!

Do you have any plans for the long weekend?


Susanne said...

That blanket looks pretty cozy, so of course you need to start on another one. You can never have too many cozy blankets.

We are expecting our children and their significant others over on Easter Sunday. Our weather has warmed up nicely and right now the forecast for Easter is lovely. I am planning on having dinner on the screened porch, but we will only be 6 people max, even though we could have more.

Patio Postcards said...

Oh yes, another crocheting project is just the ticket for quiet days. I hope that the weather co-operates with your Easter weekend plans. We are not planning any gatherings for the weekend as we are in a different lockdown restriction area than family and/or friends - no crossing the lines! (col). I like your egg tree.

This West London Life said...

Your blanket looks lovely and you definitely need a new project to start. We haven't gone as far as taking the garden furniture out of the shed just yet - although I do have my eye on a new set ...
We are seeing my SiL on Saturday and will be visiting Hughenden on Sunday afternoon - that's as far as we've planned.

Barbara Eads said...

Good for you! Booking a holiday gives. you something fun to look forward to! We're taking our first trip in over a year---this Saturday and are really looking forward to it! Can't wait! said...

I feel like such a lousy friend. Have been down in the dumps over here and have not been reading blogs. But you are more than a blogger friend and I have neglected our friendship. I am so sorry. I even missed your birthday.

Yay for making plans for a holiday in the not-so-distant future. Getting away will really help perk you up. Hoping your plans can be realized and you can make some wonderful memories. The destination you have chosen sounds perfect.

I have bought turkey and ham for 3 holidays thinking we would be able to have the girls here with us for it to only be the two of us and a whole lot of extra food. Going to the grocery store tomorrow to get food for Easter Sunday. Almost afraid to buy enough for the kids...but they are tentatively planning to come over. Might be better if we just order pizza once I see that they are here!!

Thinking of you, dear friend. XO

alexa said...

Such a very pretty blanket - with all these meetings outdoors, a pile of warm soft rugs will be just the thing! Crossing fingers for your holiday; there's only so much disappointment you can take ...