Wednesday 17 March 2021

What a year!

 Last year Ruth invited me to write a blog post describing how life was in my corner of the United Kingdom.  Little did we know that 12 months later, we would be in lockdown again - for the THIRD time!  You can find me over on Ruth's blog again today, reflecting on how things feel a year down the line.  

Hard to believe that Covid still remains headline news and just as it felt the we were moving into more optimistic territory, suddenly side effects of the vaccine have caused controversy in Europe.  I had the AZ vaccine and I will definitely be keen to get to the clinic to have the second dose.  Nothing in this life is without risk, and I feel we have to take a measured view considering that the benefits of the vaccine are, in my opinion, far outweighing the side effects.  

So, twelve days to go before we can meet more than one person outdoors ... now, if only we could guarantee warm, dry weather.  That's never going to happen here in the UK is it?  I'd better get making more blankets!


Patio Postcards said...

I've read your post at Ruth's, thanks for sharing your year review. AZ's vaccine is hot news right now & the debate rages on within our country as to use for the under 64 yrs or use for everyone, or even use at all. We are still in a Red Zone Lockdown, which means lots of restrictions but at least some businesses can open with guidelines, gatherings are still very limited. Not sure how long this will last as we are now officially in a third wave! :(

This West London Life said...

Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts ... for the third time! :)

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Who would have thought that when you did your first post last year, you'd be doing another one a year later?
Hubby had the AZ vaccine too and he's seems to be fine. He' hasn't been given a date for his second one but I'm keeping a close eye on the calendar so they don't miss him out. Just the young man to worry about now.
Enjoy making more blankets :0)

Susanne said...

What a shame that the vaccine has been troublesome with side effects. Your lockdowns over there seem so much more drastic than ours. Are most people complying?

alexa said...

I enjoyed reading your reflections on the lockdown over at Ruth's, Deb. It's been an extraordinary year ... I myself continue to be concerned by the appearance of variants which may evade the vaccine; I do wonder if the lockdown will be lifted in the way it was originally stated - I have my doubts :(.

Deb's World said...

Nice to catch up with how your year has been Deb by reading your thoughts at Ruth's blog. I do. hope things improve soon for you, it's not been good at all!

Barbara Eads said...

I think your recap of your third lockdown is quite accurate. You have accomplished quite a lot and have so much to be proud of! Everything is loosening here and we're all happy about that.