Friday 16 April 2021

Me on ...

 ... what day of the week is it?  Can someone give me a clue?  This week has gone by in a blur,  but I'm ending it with a neat haircut

half of a neat garden (I currently have three men in the garden with digging equipment, a skip on the drive and a ton of gravel waiting to be turned into a pathway)

I love this camellia which is blooming in the half of the garden we have completed!

and a neat start to a new crochet project

There's been a bit of impromptu childcare thrown in the mix as in the last six months our daughter has developed an autoimmune disease called vasculitis and has had several hospital appointments and tests this week which have resulted in the need for extra help in school pickups etc.  They have been slowly ruling out all manner of things that may be triggering it and it seems that this week it has been all systems go trying to find a definitive diagnosis.  So a stressful time for all but you cannot fault the amount of testing that is going on at a time when the health service is so stretched.

We're hoping for nice weather tomorrow afternoon as if the sun is shining we have been invited for drinks in our friends' garden.  Wine o'clock might have to happen a bit earlier than usual and finish as the sun starts to go down!  

Have a good weekend - let's hope we all find a bit of sunshine and some time to relax and enjoy it!


This West London Life said...

Lovely haircut - isn't it great to have gone to a salon! The camellia is also lovely.

I hope R's testing finds a treatment/cure and that she feels better soon. The NHS really is marvellous - The Boy's toe was dealt with within a week once he'd been referred by the GP - excellent service. :)

Patio Postcards said...

You do look very neat & tidy (col) with your haircut. Beautiful camellia, what a delight in the garden. Very sorry to hear of R's health woes & concerns. Sending lots of positive energy over the pond for a cause to be found.

After this week, we may all want it to be on permanent wine'o clock this weekend! said...

I hope your hair appointment was an opportunity for you to relax and be pampered a bit. The fresh cut looks very cute. I think this week your life has probably felt like mine did last week. We do love our daughters and our darling grands but all of the impromptu child minding can be hard.

Praying for some answers for R's health concerns. For Lauren, the doctors seem able to rule things out but can't make a definitive diagnosis. Right now they are testing Lauren for Crohn's Disease and sending her to a specialty cardiologist.

Your new crochet project is very pretty. Glad you have that diversion. I am mad at my mosaic. I added black to it and I don't like it at all. Going to google removing glass from a mosaic.

Will be anxious to see your yard when the work is finished. My Paul has decided we need to put desert landscaping in on the west side of our house. I think WE will be doing the work and I worry about him doing stuff like that with his back issues.

Hope you can get some rest this weekend. Keep us posted about R. Enjoy your wine o'clock.

Jennifer said...

Cute haircut, indeed. Always a nice way to head into the weekend. Hope your daughter can get some answers soon...but what a blessing that you are able to help out!! Please share photos of your pretty garden once it is complete!

Tracy said...

All my best to your daughter❤️
Nice hair cut...we are in lockdown, and I haven't had a professional haircut in over a year or 2!!!

alexa said...

So sorry to read about your daughter's vasculitis - hoping the tests can be completed and a satisfactory treatment sorted for her. What an anxious-making time for you all, in the midst of everything else :(. Hoping your garden project is now complete - your camellia is very pretty, as is that elfin haircut!