Saturday 3 April 2021

A sentence a day in March

 I always look forward to March; we officially move from winter to spring, we move the clocks forward to British Summertime and I have a birthday.

We start the month still in lockdown with all restrictions still in place.  Goodness it seems like it's been like this for so long.  How will life change by the end of the month?  Grab yourself a coffee and a biscuit and let's see how the month progresses!

Day 1 Booked our Covid vaccinations for next Monday!

Day 2 Finished watching 'Behind her eyes' and had to rewind the ending to make sure I understood what had happened! #shockending

Day 3 Took Max for a walk - after a kick around with a football in the park we managed to take him home exhausted and muddy!

Day 4 Zumba on Zoom again today, followed by some household chores and a bit of crochet

Day 5 Jon's birthday - how can my youngest possibly be 31?  He's making me seem very old!

Day 6 Managed, over the course of 24 hours, to see all three grandchildren which is definitely something to make me smile

Day 7 Lazy Sunday, roast lamb for lunch and crocheting in the afternoon, nothing much else to report

Day 8 Vaccination Day! 

Day 9 Woke at 4am with a headache, took tablets then felt ok for rest of day, hopefully that is the extent of the side effects from the vaccine #onedownandonetogo

Day 10 Had Max round to play - just love spending time with him

Day 11 Did not do Zumba, then felt guilty - will have to work twice as hard next week.

Day 12 Broke all the rules, had a picnic lunch for five people who are not in my family indoors in the lounge.  Oh wait ...

Four were dollies, one was a teddy, one a meerkat and the other a reindeer, I think that's allowed. #Rosiecametoo

Day 13 Quite an eventful day for Coco, she fell in a ditch while trying to chase moorhens (when will she learn that she cannot fly?) so came home from the park filthy dirty and smelling of ditch water.  Needless to say she was swiftly taken up for a shower, which always gets her overexcited and in running up and down the landing and doing zoomies round our bedroom she hurt her front leg and is now limping badly.

Day 14 My birthday and Mother's Day - had a very lazy day, ate much chocolate, drank a couple of glasses of prosecco and enjoyed having Paul cook lunch for me.  Proper family celebrations will have to wait a while. Coco's leg seems to be a little better.

Day 15 Visited a local garden centre to pick up some bits that we needed before the guy comes to help us finish off the garden in a couple of weeks - such a short trip but it felt so nice to be doing something different.

Day 16 Had Rosie here for a couple of hours, we will start having her here for a full day again once schools go back after Easter.

Day 17 Our day for having Max, he's settled back here so well despite having so many weeks when he couldn't visit.

Day 18 Zumba on Zoom this morning, don't seem to be able to find the impetus to do much today, it's a damp, dreary day and lockdown seems to be going on forever ...

Day 19 We ventured out to a very small local nursery to buy some more plants - it's nice to get out of the house and go somewhere a little different, even if it is only 7 miles away!

Day 20 Went to view the house that our son and family are hoping to buy, then went back to his current home, dropped off some packing boxes and then walked into town where the food market was, not the normal amount of stalls and everyone was keeping their distance - bought some freshly baked croissants and Portuguese custard tarts #essentialsupplies

Day 21 Long dog walk in the morning, lazy afternoon crocheting and then baking a coffee and walnut cake - Census day in the UK today.

Day 22 The year anniversary of going into lockdown - in some ways it doesn't seem a year, in others I can't remember what 'normal' life was like

Day 23 J & S have a date for moving so I popped into town to collect some more moving boxes for them - they have a lot to pack in a short space of time!

Day 24 Put up some new solar lights around the trellis on the new decking area

Day 25 Took packing boxes over to Jon's and played with Max - he's such a sweetie

Day 26 Zumba on Zoom in the morning, then looked after Rosie in the afternoon while R&J had a zoom parent's consultation meeting with Leo - despite lockdown home schooling he is still at the level that he should be so good news all round.

Day 27 What a wet, miserable day - it rained, a lot!

Day 28 Went to our nearby farm shop to buy some of our favourite locally made ice-cream - constructed the table of our new patio furniture, now all we need is a bit of sunshine.

You can just about see our works supervisor relaxing on the sofa in the conservatory! Booked a UK holiday for July!

Day 29 Clocks went forward an hour so we are officially in British Summertime.

Day 30 Had a very sociable, almost felt normal day - my friend came round for a coffee in the garden in the morning, it was a beautifully sunny day, then had Leo here for an hour in the sunshine while the health visitor went to do Rosie's two year check.

Day 31 Saw Max today, he's growing up so fast!

Have you got 31 seconds to see my 1 Second Everyday video?  Excellent!

I know I'm early and shouldn't really be posting this until the first Tuesday of the month but I'm a bit of a rebel by posting it before I should, but if you pop back next week, you should see links to the others joining in the Sentence a Day project 

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

Click here to enter


Wildflower Adventures said...

That show "Behind Her Eyes" did have kind of a twisted ending, I thought too. That's my kind of picnic with the dollies & a Grand. Karen said...

My silly laptop doesn't hold a charge these days and the electric plug jiggles loose causing the computer to shutdown immediately. I was mid-comment when it shutdown just now. Technology is giving me fits these days.

As I was saying... in some ways it is hard to believe we have been in lockdown/on restriction for a year. In other ways it seems like forever. Can't believe we have been wearing these masks and keeping the human race 6 feet away or more all this time.

Glad that Coco's leg wasn't badly hurt. Silly girl to attempt to fly after the Moorhens...a species with which I am not familiar.

Hope you enjoyed some special time with your son yesterday and will have a bonny time with Rachel and family for Easter. We have the ham thawing and the pool heating for our festivities tomorrow. When do your son and his family move?

Patio Postcards said...

You had a very busy & full month. Oh poor Coco, but lucky Moorhens :)

Hope the Easter Plans turned out well & that the weather cooperated.

R's Rue said...


Gail Is This Mutton? said...

I forgot to mention the census and clocks going forward! Poor Coco, hope she is fully recovered! Am waiting to be notified about 2nd vacc, my husband should get an appointment next week or so. Hope your Easter went well - we sat in the garden at my step son's and it was sunny which took the edge off the cold.

Susanne said...

It sounds like chasing after Max and Coco on their muddy adventures is a much more fun way to exercise than Zumba. And I admire your consistency at Zumba.

This West London Life said...

Between Max and Coco, that's a lot of running around outdoors! You've had yet another busy and fun month.

Cathy said...

I enjoyed reading about your March and seeing your video. I hope your puppy is okay.

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Pleased that you got to spend a lot of time with your grandchildren. We're counting the days until we can go to York to see ours. It seems like forever since we gave him a squish :0)

Joanne said...

Your picnic photo an description had me smiling! Sounds like a pretty fun month despite all the restrictions that were still in place.

Fairytales and Fitness said...

Happiest of birthdays to you! I think the picnic you had at your house was perfect and wow, I can only imagine the conversation among

I use to do Zumba regularly and I loved it! I haven't been to the gym since Fall of 2019! @ms.meranda

Natasha said...

Yay for getting the vaccine!!! I'm still waiting to get mine. And we're in another lock down too. These do seem to be going on forever, don't they??? If you get to go to a nursery, I think it's a great day!

Lysha said...

Oh your patio looks so nice! Zumba is so much fun! I have been doing some Zumba video on YouTube. Yay for vaccines!