Sunday 1 August 2021

A sentence a day in July

 Well, we start the month still in restrictions - will they ever end?

Day 1 Sun is shining, Zumba was a lot of fun and I discovered they sell my favourite locally made ice cream in a shop down the town - what a good start to the month

Day 2 Coffee with friends in the morning and afternoon tea in the garden with my sister in the afternoon, another sunny day.

Day 3 England beat Ukraine 4-0 and are through to the semi-finals of Euro 2020 (one year late) 

Day 4 Went to an Art & Craft exhibition that Paul's art teacher was participating in and came home with a new picture for the lounge, later that evening we realised that we had not come home with Paul's wallet 😔

Day 5 After a lot of searching, phone calls and emails the wallet turned up in a random place, in between two jigsaw puzzle boxes in our spare bedroom!

Day 6 Had Rosie here for a couple of hours until we had a phone call from Rachel to say that James had tested positive for Covid.  With no symptoms and having had both vaccines, if he hadn't gone into the office this morning and taken a routine lateral flow test he would have been none the wiser.

Day 7 Max has woken up with odd looking spots on his stomach and chest - chicken pox brewing?  So no childcare here at all this week :-( Did some baking to make sure freezer is stocked in case we all have to isolate

Day 8 Trying to reduce the amount of time spent in company indoors in the days leading up to our holiday so am doing Zumba online this week 

Day 9 Paul had to go to Minor Injuries at the hospital as he has had a nasty reaction to an insect bite - fortunately they don't think it's infected but it looks awful!

Day 10 Ladies Singles Final at Wimbledon, Ash Barty won - it was so good to see two people in the final who had never got that far before

Day 11 Euro 2020 Final, England v Italy.  It did not end well, with us losing on penalties

Day 12 Boris Johnson announced that all restrictions will lift on 19 July, despite numbers continuing to rise

Day 13 We lent Coco to Rachel for the afternoon as a distraction from them still being in isolation

Day 14 We had Max here for the day which was lovely, the rash he had last week remains a mystery, it never turned into chicken pox.

Day 15 Suitcases out of the loft, freshly laundered clothes piling up on the spare bed, Coco looking at us suspiciously 

Day 16 Jon working from home at our house as they have a lot of work going on today at the farm - washing and ironing totally up to date, one of the many benefits of going away! 

Day 17 Started our holiday in Southwold, happy to find our holiday home is perfectly situated for the beach and the shops and the sun is shining!

Day 18 A day on the beach, a walk to the pier and exploring the town

Day 19 Rachel and family went to a nearby zoo, so we just relaxed, did some sketching (Paul), read books (me) and then had a picnic lunch on the green (both of us)

Today was also the day that restrictions in the UK on mask wearing etc were lifted.  However ... everyone we saw in shops was still wearing masks and shops were still restricting numbers inside.  Which was a bit of a relief to be honest.

Day 20 A morning on the beach flying kites and digging holes, and an afternoon at the harbour crabbing 

Is it a meerkat?  Is it Spiderman? or is it Leo in a hole?

Day 21 It would normally be my day for having Max, so Jon brought him to join us at the beach -  fish and chips on the green for lunch, so much fun to have everyone here together.

Day 22 Spent all day at the beach, Rachel and James finally got to go out and have an anniversary meal (they were in quarantine for their actual anniversary) while we babysat the children in the evening.

Day 23 A busy day!  Went crabbing in the morning (Leo was thrilled to catch ten!), kite flying on the green and beach in the afternoon. 

Day 24 Time to pack up and come home.  Leo in tears in the car and desperate to know when we are going back - the sign of a good holiday!

Day 25 Max's 2nd birthday so we had a fun afternoon helping him celebrate; they had been forecasting thunderstorms all day but thankfully it stayed dry and warm and they didn't start until the party came to an end.

Day 26 Had an opticians appointment this morning, a new prescription means an excuse for new glasses - I always find it hard to choose new frames so I was there a long time!

Day 27 Rosie and Leo here for the day, went into town to get the ingredients to make 'slime' - it was a very messy afternoon but good fun.

Day 28 Max here for the day - he certainly keeps us on our toes, I got stung by a bee while in the garden picking raspberries for lunch 😓

Day 29 Dentist appointment first thing (which is my least favourite thing to do!) but skipped out with nothing needing to be done.  Zumba in the hall which was so much fun, but the day ended sadly with news in the evening that Rachel's father in law had died.

Day 30  Rachel and children came for tea as James has gone to spend time with his mum and help with all the arrangements that need to be done.

Day 31 Paul met up with some old school friends for a pub lunch and I binge watched some episodes of Virgin River!

And so ends another month.  It feels like we packed a lot into it.  Let's watch the month unfold in 1 second everyday

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Wildflower Adventures said...

Oh, isn't it such a good feeling when the lost wallet was found. Sorry for the loss of the extended family member. What an amazing time for all during the beach vacation. That hole looks pretty deep. Homemade slim sounds fun & seems it would be a messy project just like you described it. Karen

Patio Postcards said...

You certainly packed a lot into the month. Glad the holiday happened & that everyone enjoyed themselves. Maybe the beach will become the annual trek for the family holiday & next year you can introduce little baby Jon to the joys of beach holes :) Slim sounds like many things but I am sure the kids enjoyed. Sorry to hear of James's loss of his Father :(

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Wow you fitted a lot into July :0) it was definitely a month of ups and downs. I'm glad that your holiday was a success. The photos are lovely. Sorry to hear about James' father, that can't have been an easy time for you all.

Cathy said...

It sounds like such a wonderful month. I love all the time you spent with family and your holiday too.

Deb's World said...

What a lovely month you've had Deb, sunshine, beach trips and grandchildren - what more can you ask for?

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

How lovely Southwold looks. And what precious family memories. I can imagine your relief at finding the wallet. I'm always misplacing my purse and panicking. I stopped doing Sentence a Day for a couple of months but miss doing it, so I'm now logging August.

This West London Life said...

Goodness, what a month for you all!
I'm sorry to hear about J's dad - never an easy time.
Southwold sounds lovely and how fantastic to have the family with you.
Glad to hear that P's wallet turned up - does he even remember going into the spare room?? said...

Seeing your beach photos was like a mini-vacation!! We both are so fortunate to have escaped to the sea for a bit. Not sure what the late summer and fall hold as far as this stinky virus.
Love the photo of Leo in the hole and the crabs you dug up. We didn't see any nearly as large as yours. But it was fun chasing them in the flashlight beam. Lucia has perfected a crab walk and makes me laugh every time she does it.
Hope August is seeing more return to normal for you guys. The area we visited is a hot bed for Covid with all of the immigrants coming into the country there. The airport was full of unaccompanied boys and small, young families of immigrants. We were near McAllen, Texas which is experiencing a crisis with the overwhelming numbers of immigrants and Covid positive immigrants. Has me hoping we all stay well from our vacation.

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

What a wonderful holiday. I loved how the tears prove that it was definitely fun. You forget about that as an adult.

Joanne said...

So glad the wallet turned up... even if it was in a really odd spot! It sounds like you had a really wonderful holiday at the beach.