Monday 20 June 2022

Me on Monday

 I'm in a catching up situation this Monday.  Catching up on my crochet that is!  I had been managing to keep up with the 'crochet-a-long' but the events of last week meant my crochet mojo wasn't there so much.  I was supposed to be making four sunset squares, and 4 flowers by the beach postcards.  This is how far I have got ...

One of each!  Must try and make some more time this week, especially now those scorching hot days have passed.  I met up with my friend for a coffee on Friday and when I got back to my car (which I had parked in the shade) the temperature was showing as 33.5 🌞

It was Father's Day here this weekend, both 'kids' came to see Paul in the afternoon and Rachel also even arrived at 7am with hot croissants fresh from the bakery!  Max had come home from nursery with a little poster answering questions about his Daddy.  Apparently Jon's favourite place to go is 'the jungle', his is very good at 'jumping', the best things about him is 'cuddles and kisses' and his job is ... 'singing and dancing'  Interesting about the last one!  

So this Monday finds me with good intentions to find a few hours to get at least one more of those last week crochet pieces before the next week's instructions are released.  I don't want to put myself under pressure to just get things done to catch up, I want to keep enjoying the process and if I've fallen behind schedule, (I'm sure I'm not alone!) then so be it.

There's a haircut in the diary for later this week, and a lunch out with ex work colleagues to celebrate one of them becoming a grandmother (any excuse for a get together!). 

Have a good week!


Patio Postcards said...

Those are very pretty pieces of crochet for your project quilt. I'm in awe of the details for the pieces. It is funny what kids think their parents do for jobs and/or fun. Sounds like a delightful week planned.

Susanne said...

Love the crochet pieces -- what a nice thing to have to catch up on - on a Monday. It sounds like Max has a very versatile, almost superhero kind of father. Aren't they both lucky!

This West London Life said...

I hope you find the time for your crochet this week - can't wait to see more of it!
I love hearing what children think about their parents and their lives - when The Boy was a toddler I asked him what my name was and he replied, "Mummy!"

Jennifer said...

Nothing says love more than fresh-baked croissants delivered to your door!! Glad you had a good weekend!! Here's to a week with a few extra moments to crochet:) said...

How is your sister?

Hope you enjoy some time catching up with your crochet. Looks like you are creating another lovely piece. My sister and I Facetimed and started a new collage craft project today. It was delightful. She has moved from Texas to Tennessee and I feel like she is a million miles away now. We haven't had much opportunity to visit on the phone since her move but hope we can get back to doing things together regularly very soon.

Glad Paul was well celebrated by the kids. Warm croissants. Mmmmmm. Got a big out of Max's answers for questions about his dad. What a keepsake.

Can't find the scavenger hunt prompts but loved your stairs photo. Off to try to find the list. said...

Found the scavenger list through Ruth. Hope to play along. XO

Barbara Eads said...

I'm always enthralled with your crocheting! And I love your use of the word "diary" as we call it a calendar! I'm going to switch and see how that feels. Diary seems much more romantic!