Monday 26 September 2022

Me on Monday

 One of us had the luxury of a spa day/morning last week, look how soft and white she is - quick - before she disappears into the garden in her quest to enlarge that big hole she thinks we don't know she is digging behind the tree.

She may be an older lady nowadays but she still draws a lot of attention whenever we go out and she was very popular over the park on Sunday morning.  We had gone to the town park to see Leo take part in the Junior 2km Park Run.  He's just started going so we thought we would go and see him before the weather got colder/wetter.  It was a glorious autumnal morning and afterwards we walked through the park, bought a cappuccino from the coffee stall and sat and drank it beside the river in the sunshine.  A lovely way to start a Sunday.

It had been an odd week, with the whole of Monday revolving around watching the funeral of Queen Elizabeth on tv.  I am pleased that the media seem to have let the family grieve in private for the rest of the week.

We had friends over for a takeaway curry on Friday evening, which meant that I spent most of Friday afternoon tidying, dusting and hoovering the house but at least we started the weekend with all chores done. It's a nice feeling.

So what does this week hold?  Friends over for coffee this morning - the wife is trying to organise a surprise get together for her husband's birthday in a few weeks time and I shall be on tenterhooks while they are here hoping that neither Paul nor I accidentally slip up and mention seeing them again then!  

Hoping to pop over to Saffron Walden on Tuesday morning - they have a lovely food market there on a Tuesday and I shall be stocking up on fresh fruit and veg for the week. Our new routines have kicked in - it still seems strange to know that we have the whole of Tuesday up to 3.15 free now.  

I need to crack on with knitting Rosie's ballet cardigan so my winter crochet blanket is on pause at the moment.  It is nice to have something small and light on my needles. I took her to her class on Saturday as Rachel and the rest of the family had dentist appointments which had been booked 6 months ago before she signed up for classes. It did seem very strange as they are still run by the lady who ran them 32 years ago when I used to take Rachel!  Rosie is a totally pink and glittery girly girl and she was so happy to be dressed in her pink leotard with sparkly tutu.  She is so like her mum!

It will be nice to have a week which (at the moment!) does not have lots of calls upon our time for childminding as the last couple of weeks have been peppered with an hour here and an hour there, dropping someone somewhere and picking someone up from somewhere else to the extent that I am neurotic that I am going to forget someone, somewhere if I don't write it down in at least two different places!  No parent is climbing a mountain and no parent is going away on business so fingers crossed.

The other thing on my to-do list for today is my flu vaccination, I guess that (as well as thinking about putting a thicker duvet on the bed) is the first sign of winter approaching.  How long can we go before we switch the heating back on?  Quite a controversial subject this year!


Patio Postcards said...

Oh I'd like a reason to dress up in something pink & sparkly! You & Paul shall be nominated & sure to win Best Parents/Grandparents of the year - your family is very fortunate to have you close & able to quickly change to childmind. What fun to be in on the surprise party - now that is a return to some normal life. Those +2 chilly mornings that started last week had us switch on the heat.

This West London Life said...

I hope you are allowed to post a photo of Rosie in her tutu and cardigan - too cute!
I agree with Mary-Lou and all the grandparenting you and P do.

No heating on yet, but we are using the heavier weight duvet again and I'm considering putting on socks right now.

Jennifer said...

Oh no, say it isn't really time for a thicker duvet?? But your autumn Sunday morning sounded just lovely. I say we leave autumn just like that!! Your week ahead sounds as nice as your weekend. It truly must be the weather!!:) Enjoy! "no parents climbing a mountain..." That made me smile!!:) What a fun family!

Barbara Eads said...

I"m hoping to get my flu shot this week too! Enjoy your somewhat lighter week. It still sounds pretty busy to me!!