Monday 7 August 2023

Me on Monday

 It’s just me and Coco here this Monday.

Paul’s gone into London to the National Gallery to see an art exhibition and do some sketching in the city so we are having a girls day.  Although in reality that probably means that she will spend the day moping about because her favourite has dared to go out on his own!

It will be nice to have a quiet day, we had quite a busy one yesterday with all the family coming for lunch.  There's ten of us around the table now so food prep takes a little longer than it used to!  Lovely to have them all here though and the cousins have fun playing together.

There's something weird happening here today though.  We woke up this morning and ... it isn't raining!  Not only that but the sun is shining! How long will it last?

The weather has been so miserable here and the only thing to do is crack on with my crochet or read but that's not so bad really.  I think we are all just hoping that summer is about to begin again. How are things in your part of the world?


Patio Postcards said...

I hope that you & Coco do have a quiet girls day in with maybe a chance to sit & enjoy your back garden. Ten people for Sunday lunch - that is a lot of cooking.

Jennifer said...

Hooray for a non-rainy Monday! How exciting, if not a bit unusual - lol!! I hope you and Coco are enjoying your day. And no moping, Coco!! Just wondering...are you far from London and/or do you go into the city often? We are "just outside" of DC but definitely do not go into the city often. Of course, DC is not London...ha ha!!:)

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

You're very brave to feed 10 people! I have such a tiny kitchen I don't do it now. Hope you and Coco had a restful day.

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Yay the sun is out. Long may it last. I hope you and Coco had a great day :0) said...

What did you fix for the family dinner? Do the daughter and daughter-in-law help out? My girls really just come and eat!! Ha!! Not a lot of help!! Brennyn will clean up the kitchen some. Lauren is usually running in circles after the girls so doesn't do much helping. We tend to have a crockpot meal or something on the grill when we are all together.

Had to laugh at your comment about the sun being out. Today has been cooler - 95*/35*C and overcast part of the day. It was only 86* when we left church for home. What a delightful change from the last 56 days of triple digits. Our yard and plants have never looked this awful. The leaves are burning, burning up on the plants. Terrible.

We have been teased by dark clouds but no rain. Not a drop. I am ready for fall!!

This West London Life said...

It seems as though we missed a lot of the rain, thankfully. I'm not sure I'd cope very well with producing lunch for 10 people!

I hope you and Coco had a lovely relaxing day.