Monday 18 September 2023

Me on Monday

This Monday finds me a bit bleary eyed after a disturbed nights sleep.  We had a humdinger of a storm which felt directly above our house in the early hours of the morning, which disturbed Coco who could not settle anywhere between the flashes of lightening and cracks of thunder.  The only place I could convince her to lay was on the bed in the bedroom which used to be our son's.  Even then she was not staying anywhere on her own and I realised that the only way both of us would be able to get back to sleep would be for me to be in the bed while she slept on it.  Then she wanted to lay full width across the bottom so I had to sleep diagonally across the bit she had left for me.  

I think the storm is a sure sign that our season has tipped from summer to autumn.  We have a few plans for changes in our garden; we have a tree which has died and needs removing and we have been clearing space and thinking about how we will redesign that area.  There's still colour in the borders though and this little fellow spent ages flitting from one head of sedum flower to another as I was weeding beneath the plants.

The lake looked lovely on the early morning dog walk and we made the most of the dry weather as the forecast is far more unsettled for the week to come.

At the moment I don't have too many plans for the coming week apart from our childminding routine and that feels nice.  We are out for dinner with friends at the end of the week to a restaurant in town we haven't tried before so that will be interesting.  

I have actually done some crochet this weekend and finished all the individual squares  - so it was time to join them all together.  It now looks like this

And so begins the border - not to mention finishing off all the ends on the reverse side.  I had good intentions to do that as I went along but you know how easy it is to forget good intentions 😉 


This West London Life said...

I think we had the tail-end of your storm - lots of heavy rain overnight but no thunder (although The Boy tells me that he heard some).

Your crochet project is coming along nicely - what will you do with it when it is complete?

Jennifer said...

Wow - the colors in the garden really are still so pretty! But, yes, autumn is coming! Here's to no more post-midnight storms! All the doggies hate those! Have a wonderful week ahead!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

No storms here, thankfully. I'm glad you and Coco managed to make it through together. Your blanket is stunning. Looking forward to seeing it in all it's glory once the edging is done. I know what you means about those pesky ends. :0)