Monday 5 August 2024

Me on Monday

 We survived our week of chaos!  All human guests and one canine returned home safely and our only extra visitor is having breakfast in his cage in the utility room.

Daisy was, as predicted, in full family protection mode whenever the painters walked past a window but thankfully after about 10 minutes of non stop barking, she wore herself out and peace was restored.  Coco was greatly relieved to say goodbye to her on Thursday evening! 

Jon and family were here all week while the plumber completely re-plumbed all their copper pipes, with all their floor boards lifted, water cylinders removed and new boiler installed.  They went home Friday evening with Max crying that he was going to break all the new pipes when he got home so he could come back.  Isn't it funny how dramatic a five year old can be? 

We had absolutely no plans whatsoever for the weekend which was the best way to get back to normal.

Today we plan to go to Cambridge for a wander around and also use our bus passes for the first time on the Park & Ride transfer into the city.  

Then we have three days of summer holiday childcare followed by a lunch out with friends at a local Sicilian restaurant.  A good way to end the week, I am looking forward to that a lot!

Have a good week 😊


Ruth said...

You deserve a day in Cambridge after last week! I did chuckle when I read Max's remark about breaking the pipes. :)

Jennifer said...

Oh, I hope you had a lovely day in Cambridge! You have rather earned a nice day out...and perhaps Coco will end up with an extra treat as well. No doubt, she secretly is missing all the extra friends!!:) Happy Monday wishes to you, my friend! said...

You have to love that Max. What a sweet thing that he wanted to stay longer at your house. I am happy to say my grands often don't want to leave our house, either. I am sure you needed a quiet week to regroup. Hope your dinner with friends was enjoyable. I bet Coco was worn out putting up with Daisy's antics. When Lauren brings their pup over to our house, our kitties vanish. They are scared to resurface until they are positive that big galoot has gone home.