Don't worry, there is not a tearful, long acceptance speech on the way and hopefully no wardrobe malfunctions while I am up on stage collecting it! I am so touched and grateful.
Now, the spirit of the award means that I have to share 5 facts about myself that others may not know so ....
1. I have danced on stage at the Royal Albert Hall. I would like to thank my partner, Martin Stringer, for learning all the steps that our teacher Mrs Bishop taught us in country dancing at Churchgate Street Primary School so that we did not make fools of ourselves. This fact goes back to 1966!
2. I used to have an imaginary friend called Zolly Watson. She lived in the playhouse at the bottom of the garden when I was about 6. We used to play there and our favourite snacks were lucozade and chocolate digestive biscuits.
3. I met my husband on a blind date. 29 years of marriage later .....we're still together!
4. My perfect dinner would start with champagne and end with chocolate. With some kind of lamb dish served in between.
5. I am absolutely petrified of lifts. Would rather climb 8 flights of stairs. My motto is 'Tis better to arrive breathless than a tearful, nervous, trembling wreck. And think of all those calories you are burning!
So, now I am going to continue the award giving ceremony by giving the award to some of my favourite blogs out there.
Robyn, Denise, Claire, Amy, Sarah, Sian
These people are personally responsible for keeping me away from doing the ironing, making me late preparing dinner and generally distracting me from doing anything remotely related to housework.
I know that some of these have already been nominated this award but I just wanted them to know that they're in my favourites list! I would also nominate Rachel who nominated me but I'm not sure if you are allowed to go round in circles!
awwww!!! Thanks Deb!
Thanks so much Deb! I'm chuffed to bits. I loved reading your facts and lol about the wardrobe malfunction..I'll check for that before I post!
thanks for your comment on my blog! yeah i am so excited about being the driver! I can't wait to see the stuff ppl come up with and how styles have changed! I am loving being 17! Being able to drive has to be the best bit! xxxx
Just to let you know that my Blog Around the World post is typed and ready to go at 9pm this evening.
Link pointing to you and looking forward to it.
Thankyou so much Deb!
I know what you mean about the constant distractions - I've loved getting to know you over the past few weeks and I plan to keep on visiting .... see you soon.
Thanks Deb, I love reading your blog and I like the 5 facts you have written. Especially the perfect meal, every meal should end with chocolate or fudge! :)
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