Today is so grey and damp and dull and miserable that I felt the need for change. The need to brighten myself up and get a little 'oomph' back. So having left work at 12.30 I jumped in the car and went to the hairdressers. You know how you sit there and they make polite conversation and then you get to the 'So - what are we doing with your hair today?' bit - and all bravado about new looks and wanting to look a little bit like some celebrity disappear? Well today I decided to go with the 'Suppose I said you could do what you want to it, what would you do?' And this is the end result:

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? I'm open to suggestions as to what I could do next!
Very stylish indeed! I like the look of your jumper too acually.
So fashionable! Looks great :-)
Very chic my dear,you would never have thought you had been through windy weather.I love it, now what would I change about long have you got !!!!lol xx
Love the new do Deb, it really suits you. If I could change one thing about me it would be.... taking away my bad back and leg!
Your 'do' looks sensational! Very brave to say that to the hairdresser ...
I think it looks fab!!
Fab - you look lovely :-) Very brave, but clearly the right thing to say to your hairdresser!
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