Monday 8 February 2010


Am I the only person in the country who hadn't been watching this? I discovered Grey's Anatomy at Christmas. Whenever I had lunch in the staff room, people would be talking about it so I added it to my list when I wrote to Father Christmas. I must have been a good girl because he gave me series one box set. I sat down, watched one episode and was hooked!
Then trailers started appearing on tv for the new series and I realised I had an awful lot of catching up to do before I could start watching that. Fortunately, I put a request out via the school email system and discovered that a member of our art dept is a huge fan and has all the other box sets! Woohoo! I just finished series two and today she delivered series three and four. No need to ask what I will be doing over half term ;-)
I am recording series six to watch when I have caught up but it is awful trying not to hear people discussing it. When a trailer comes on the tv I have to quickly find the remote to change channels as I don't want to have the story lines spoiled. I already heard that one of the interns dies this series and dread to think who it may be.
If you know, please DON'T tell me!!!


Maria Ontiveros said...

There's nothing like a good hospital soap opera, is there? I love Grey's! I think the writing and acting are both top-notch. No spoilers from me; just enjoy!

scrappyjacky said...

Not one I've watched....but DD is definately addiction is LOST.....back again .... yeeeey.....but last ever

Jane said...

Lol - last night DH and I started back at episode one of series one and we're going to watch ALL of them - we watch two or three episodes a night and it should see us through until Spring :)

We didn't ever watch them on tv - we prefer to wait until they come out on dvd and then get the whole series at once and have a marathon fest of Greys :) But yes it is difficult to avoid the gossip and tv clips! Fun though and I love not having to sit through commercials!

It's amazing how much of the first two episodes we had forgotten! So much fun to watch them again :)

Denise said...

The only thing I know about this programme is the gorgeous Patrick Dempsey is (or was) in it - yum yum.Knowing our taste in men is similar (Tom all man Selleck) I bet you like him too,is this another soap I have to get into now ? lol

humel said...

Haven't seen it at all, so you're more up to date than I am!! Enjoy :-)

PS Like the new header x

Pretty-In-Ink said...

Oh no! Just chanced across your blog from a link and I totally feel like I am missing out now! will have to get the first set, to see what I have been missing out on! LOL!

Amy said...

I've only seen bits and pieces of Grey's - it is good fun though, I won't spoil what little I know ok?

Sian said...

Oh, you've got a lovely new header :). I haven't seen any of Grey's but if you're recommending it...And absolutely no to a remake of The Horsey Whisperer and most likely yes to the long lost cousin theory (especially when you factor in the height thing as well lol)

Rachel Brett said...

I haven't seen any of Grey's Anatomy, But have heard that it is good. Happy watching Deb :)