Monday 22 February 2010

Meetings and new classes

Well the good news is that my manager is happy with me! She is more than happy actually; it isn't often that you get the chance to sit down and discuss the way things are going, (although I guess she'd be calling me into her office more often if things weren't going well!) so it's very reassuring to know when your work is appreciated. I came out with a nice warm, happy glow and then came straight down to earth as I saw the work that accumulated in my in-tray over the course of half term and saw how many emails were waiting for my attention!
Talking of emails and inboxes ... did you hear that Shimelle is going to be telling us about a new class later this week? Yup, apparently a new on line class is coming soon :-)
And I - for one - can hardly wait!


scrappyjacky said...

Glad to hear it went so well.And I didn't know about Shimelle.... yaaaaay!!!

humel said...

Woo hoo!! Well done :-) I had a managerial pat on the back today too, it's a lovely feeling, so pleased for you x

Maria Ontiveros said...

Congrats on the good review. I missed the Shimelle announcement, too. Looking forward to it!

Sian said...

Well done! I'm looking forwrad to seeing what the new class is too

Scrappi Sandi said...

Can't wait to see what that new class is all about...a little bird told me that a photographic one is in the pipeline...could this be it?!!!

Great news on your appraisal!! What a good feeling!!

Rachel Brett said...

Congrats on your review Deb, are you going to do Shimelle's new class?