Wednesday 2 February 2011


When I turned on the TV this morning, the news was about parts of Australia bracing itself for a terrible storm. When I turned my phone on this morning and checked Facebook, my friend's daughter who lives near Chicago posted comments about being snowed in. The weather report showed huge amounts of snow falling in Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin. The local weather report here said that we were to expect bitterly cold weather over the next few days, strong winds and a band of snow/sleet coming across the country.

I went to the shops and right as you come through the doors they had a display of daffodils for sale. They were tight little buds but on an impulse I bought a bunch and put them in a vase on the table in my hallway. I went out for an hour or so and when I came back, as I opened the front door I saw that one little bud had opened up completely while I had been out. There's something about a bright yellow daffodil that makes you smile and I finally believe that spring might be just around the corner.
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Cheri said...

Given what I just posted, maybe I need to go buy some daffodils???

scrappyjacky said...

I certainly hope you're right,Deb......have seriously had enough of winter!!

Anonymous said...

Love the photo but absolutely HATE daffs with a passion boardering in obsession! I dug everyone up from my garden when I moved here and there must have been a couple of hundred bulbs!

Maria Ontiveros said...

We're having a beautiful sunny, blue-sky day in San Francisco.

Beverly said...

oh the sight of daffodils in the yard gets me very excited.....spring never comes soon enough for me. Enjoy your little touch of springtime in the house :)

Sian said...

We've had thunder and lightning here today! But you are right - there is something magnificently cheerful about a daffodil

This West London Life said...

Daffs are very cheerful, aren't they? I've been photographing snowdrops today.

Scrappi Sandi said...

Sigh! Spring!! We have got fluffy buds breaking out on our little willow, so that's promising too!!

humel said...

It made me smile, definitely :-)

But yes, I've been hearing and reading about some pretty rotten weather lately, and strong winds are buffeting my house right now as I type.... Come on, spring! I'm ready for you!

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

It's quite a contrast, isn't it? That you can have pretty flowers in your part of the planet while others are experiencing extreme weather. It's been really cold here in Arizona, but no snow in our part of the state. Funny that part of our country is covered in snow, and our local golf tournament was cancelled the other day because it was too cold (around freezing temps).