Thursday 17 February 2011

Surpises on the doorstep ...

Gosh it's been a long day at work.  Glad I'm home.  Key in door, push door open ... oh look there's mail on the mat ....
Strange, I'm not expecting anything through the post.  Wait a moment, it's an air mail package ....
Whatever could it be ....

A gift from Deb!  I mentioned about us not having cornmeal over here and she's sent me some ingredients to make the recipe she mentioned here
And not only that, she sent these

Isn't that a wonderful surprise?
Big thanks from this side of the ocean 'other Deb' !
A wonderful end to the day - I can't stop smiling!


Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Happy you equals happy me. :o) Enjoy!!! xo

humel said...

Deb is such a sweetheart :-) She's made my day before with a little 'care package' - and I'm still working my way through the yummy bag of Christmassy Hershey's Kisses!!

PS Love your 'imperfect' layout from the previous post - I've been reading but not commenting lately, but I have been keeping an eye on you! ;-) - and the layout is fab xx

Ruth said...

Ah, the other Deb is just fab, isn't she? Shall look forward to seeing what you do with the cornmeal thingy!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is how lucky you are - off to sulk in the corner!

Sian said...

Oh wow! How nice is that? You lucky thing!

Denise said...

Ahh that's so nice- what a lovely surprise.Maybe you might bring me a wee taster on Saturday if I smile sweetly :-)

scrappyjacky said...

What a lovely surprise.

Amy said...

Deb is a wonderful and thoughtful woman - what a great happy surprise for you yesterday :-)

Maria Ontiveros said...

I {heart} blog friendship!

Unknown said...

Can you even imagine having her as a mom?! :) She's the greatest and I'm glad all of her blog friends enjoy her kindness too!

Beverly said...

This is the brand I used that my grandmother always thought she was getting to have cake at mealtime :) Hope you enjoy, Deb is so thoughtful :)