Sunday 13 February 2011

An imperfect scrapper in an imperfect world

The Embracing Imperfection class started this week, with lots of good ideas for making the most of things that aren't strictly 100% how we would like them to be.  There's an old saying that you 'can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear' - meaning that if something isn't very good to start with there isn't much you can do to improve it, but this class would seem to be proving that it isn't the case in scrapbooking!
Unable to draw a straight line or stick something down in the exact middle of a layout - exaggerate the error and make it look as if asymmetrical was what you intended anyway.  Not got the right colour embellishment?  Pick up lots of similar colours and make it look as if you are showing a variety of hues.  Blurry photos?  More important to document an occasion with whatever you have rather than miss out an important event just because the photos were a bit 'off'.  And a cleverly positioned flower or rub-on can hide a multitude of sins!
Why waste hours making sure that everything is positioned 'just so' when in a few years time the adhesive will probably be giving up and things will be on the move anyway?!  That was a bit of an eye opener, but I guess that it probably is true.
I haven't actually made a layout since opening the first week handout but from what I have read so far, I think that this class is going to be a good one!


This West London Life said...

Oh, yes, I rename my LO mistakes as design features ... works for me!

scrappyjacky said...

I haven't made a layout yet either....but loved the first week's handout.

humel said...

Did it? I missed that! Must go check it out.... Was I supposed to get an email from them or was I supposed to remember for myself? Not that I've had time to do anything about it either way, after the week I've had!!

Scrappi Sandi said...

That all makes perfect sense!! :)

Amy said...

I think it is really important that there are classes like this one available - there is too much pressure at times in the scrapping world ... needing the latest and the greatest - when, really, it is all a bit of good fun!

Maria Ontiveros said...

In class, I call these "floppurtunities."

Sian said...

I really enjoyed Karen's handout - so much that I am very tempted to sign up for her next class too. I'm now off to embrace imperfection by folding the laundry instead of ironing it..

Cheri said...

I had the same reaction to her handout and slide presentation. So waiting for an opportunity to scrap so I can listen to my self-talk and tell it to take a hike!