Tuesday 4 June 2019

A Sentence A Day in May

Another month bites the dust - let's see how the days unfolded ...

Day 1 lovely sunshine to greet the new month, in anticipation of sitting out in the garden in the evenings this summer I have bought some extra solar lights to hang from the trees.

Day 2 Voting day for our local town council - the hall where I go for Zumba is being used for a polling station so no class today, instead I went to Majestic and bought wine.

Day 3 Took my little partner in crime to his Wiggle Wiggle class this morning, highlight of the session was strutting our stuff whilst wearing sequinned cowboy hats (fortunately no photographic evidence for this one)

Day 4 We have a poorly pup who has suffered a squirrel related injury - she landed awkwardly after chasing her mortal enemy up a fence panel.

Day 5 Coco is running around like a sprightly puppy again - maybe she trapped a nerve yesterday but one thing I do know is that it won't stop her trying to chase squirrels again!

Day 6 Bank Holiday Monday - unexpected visit by our son and daughter in law; they'd been looking at baby equipment in preparation for the new arrival in July.

Day 7 During yesterday's impromptu visit our son also left me with a suit that he had bought that needed altering so I spent the afternoon with scissors, sewing machine, pins and needles.

Day 8 Today it poured with rain, proper thunderstorm weather - which pleased my husband as he'd spent yesterday treating the lawn with spring feed which needed watering in within 24 hours.

Day 9 Zumba class - I love the music we use for the cool down exercises SO much, Jack Savoretti's 'Candlelight', but now I cannot get it out of my mind which means I am also driving my husband mad singing the chorus over.  and over. and over.

Day 10 Yoga this morning as I won't be able to make it to the Monday class next week, just as I thought I knew what I was doing, she introduced different poses!

Day 11 Bit of a lazy day with rain most of the day - watched a couple more episodes of Dead to Me on Netflix - anyone else watching it?  So good.

Day 12 Last football matches of the season (Husband is a big Tottenham Hotspur fan and it's been an exciting week for them)

Day 13 Picked up the keys to my sister's holiday home - the countdown begins

Day 14 Pre holiday manicure done

Day 15 Suitcases out of the loft, Dog looking suspicious but she will enjoy her week away staying with a friend who lives just round the corner.

Day 16 Flew out to Portugal with Rachel and her family - Leo's first trip on an aeroplane and he was SO excited.

Day 17 Early morning walk - I will never tire of this view

Day 18 Although we have been to Praia da Luz many, many times we still enjoy finding new places to walk 

Day 19 Husband somehow did something to hurt his hip, not much walking today, in fact he could have done with a rest on this 'husband' chair

The sign says  'Reserved for husbands whose wives are shopping.'

Day 20 Husband more mobile, trip into the nearest large town - Lagos 

Day 21 Early morning is perfect for a bit of exercise, it's very hilly in Luz but the views are so pretty

Day 22 Last full day in Portugal - making the most of being at the beach and by the pool

Day 23 Flew home

Day 24 Catching up with washing but a nice meal with friends at the local Thai restaurant to look forward to in the evening.

Day 25 A phone call in the morning to ask if we'd fancy going round to friend's in the evening for drinks in the garden followed by a home made paella - didn't take long to decide!

Day 26 Family Sunday lunch with everyone here - lovely to have the whole family here for the day.

Day 27 Bank Holiday Monday

Day 28 New hairdo day for the furriest member of the family

Day 29 Stayed overnight at my daughter's as her husband was away on business - always good to have an extra pair of hands when you have a 6 month old and an almost 3 year old

Day 30 Zumba!  

Day 31 Finished making a baby blanket out of cuddlesoft plush fabric for the new grand-baby due in July

And so ends another month!  Half way through the year already - wow!  How do you fancy joining in documenting your month, one sentence at a time?

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Patio Postcards said...

Your May was a purposeful month with lots of joyful days. Your garden photo is lovely & I like the colour pop from your bench. The new arrival in July is going to enjoy that blanket, such a cute pattern.

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

I do wish we could have seen that sequined cowboy hat!! How cute would that be!!

Natalie said...

Sounds like you had a lovely May, including the trip to Portugal. Have a fabulous June!

Joanne said...

I think any month that includes a trip is a good one! Sounds like you had a wonderful month filled with family, friends, and memories.

Deb's World said...

I love reading about your months Deb - our blogs might be called the same but we lead very different lives on opposite sides of the world!! Love it :)

onceuponatimehappilyeverafter.com said...

I just love Coco. So cute, clean or dirty, under the weather or feeling tip-top. Such a darling pup.

I imagine Leo was thrilled at the prospect of flying on a plane. How long was the flight? From your photo, it looks like a small plane.

The pattern in the fabric of new baby's blankie is so sweet. I had forgotten you were going to be a grandmother for the third time. I am thinking this baby will be your son's child? We are hopeful that Lauren is pregnant again. In fact, she is having an ultrasound this minute as I type this message. Praying they can find the baby's heartbeat this time. Nothing last week. :(

Sounds like your trip to Portugal was delightful. Still hoping to get even the tiniest vacation somewhere this summer, myself.

Barbara Eads said...

Day 13 caught my eye because I was just reading another blog about some improvements they made to their "holiday home." That's a new term to me. I'm taking that it is the same as what we call a vacation home. I like holiday home better! I wonder if I could get away with changing our beach home to that! Still, I love that coincidence!

This West London Life said...

My favourite day? The 2nd ... because no Zumba equalled Majestic ... love that!

Jamie Moore said...

Can I just say, your pup is adorable! And PORTUGAL! How cool! How long of a flight is it for you?

Susanne said...

Lovely post. This looks like fun, I may have to join in for June.

alexa said...

So many things to comment on! Not long now till the new arrival? Very exciting for you all ... Hope it's a safe and easy arrival, and I am sure your pretty blanket will be much appreciated. My son tells me they're called 'Earworms" tunes you can't get out of your head ... Sorry to read about your husband's hip and hope he has recovered. And Coco is looking simply beautiful.