Friday 14 June 2019

Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt link up

Are you joining in with Mary-Lou's photographic scavenger hunt?  If you aren't, there's still plenty of time to join in, so what are you waiting for?  

I really love photo scavenger hunts, they make me keep an eye out for photo opportunities that I may otherwise have missed.  I'm sharing my first finds of the scavenger hunt, although it's possible that I'll be changing the final pick if I find something I prefer during the summer.

1 An outdoor clock

 3 Repetition

 5 The word Summer

6 An umbrella, open or closed
I have never seen a half umbrella before but what a clever idea to make shade outside of a pavement cafe.

 7 A curving path

 8 Shells

 9 A bridge

10 Something made of stone

 11 Fish (can't decide between a mosaic design or the real thing! Can't go to Portugal and not take a photograph of a sardine)


14 A handwritten sign

 17 A sail

 18 Something that should be found in pairs
(not something that should be found in Paris as I originally thought 😂)

I was fortunate to be able to tick this first batch off when we went to Portugal in May. We are off for a few days to Norfolk next week and will be taking the list with me to see what I can find there.  Maybe I'll end up with another choice for 'fish' - anyone fancy some fish and chips while sitting on a North Norfolk beach?  Can't get more British than that eh?!


This West London Life said...

All great finds ... I'm packing for Portugal!

Patio Postcards said...

You could use many of these fabulous SPSH finds for a travel brochure to Portugal. I'm with Ruth, checking out trips to Portugal. Thanks for joining in Deb.

Melissa said...

What great finds & a FUN look at your trip to Portugal! These photos make me want to take a trip to the beach soon. I've never seen one of those half umbrellas either - very interesting way to create a shade. The handwritten sign made me laugh!

We've enjoyed the hunt & found all the items on our recent trip to Ohio, so I'm starting fresh on our next vacation later this summer. :)

Maggie said...

What a great selection of finds. I like the word summer that was well spotted! Portugal does look lovely. I have been there once many moons ago.

alexa said...

You've done a splendid job on finding all these in Portugal and it makes for such happy and sunny reading. I am especially impressed by your photo of the word 'summer' - you must be very eagle-eyed! Really pretty too.