Monday 8 July 2019

TGIF on a Monday

That the weather forecasts are right and we may be able to fit in a trip to Frinton on Wednesday so Coco can get the sand between her paws again before her trip to the groomers on Thursday.
For friendships that span so many years.  Time and tides wash them into and out of our lives now and again and you may not see them every month or even every year, but put together you pick up that friendship from exactly where it left off.  Looking forward to meeting up with my friend Sally for a play date with our grandchildren on Friday.  Sally and I met at ante natal classes with our first children 33 years ago - my goodness the life experiences we have shared!

To try a new recipe for Sunday lunch yesterday - slow roasted belly of pork, cooked in cider with roasted peaches.  Recipe is in this month's Delicious magazine and that kind of sums up how it tasted!

We went to see the film 'Yesterday' on Friday.  If you're looking for a light hearted film that makes you smile and has you singing in your seat, this is the one for you!  Imagine if you were the only person in the world that remembered the Beatles?  And you're a struggling musician.  No one else will realise that these amazing songs you are writing were actually written by someone else - will they?


Patio Postcards said...

I want to see Yesterday, so glad to hear you liked. Oh anything with peaches would be tasty ... I think friendship is such a gift, one that we can give to ourselves. Hope you & your friend have a wonderful playdate.

This West London Life said...

TBC and I tried to see Yesterday, erm, yesterday, but we couldn't find a screening that worked for us.
How lovely that you and your friend are now enjoying time together with your grandchildren.

alexa said...

The film hasn't reached us but I do like a good rom com, so it's on my list - glad to know it's worth seeing. It's funny, isn't it, catching up with friends from long ago, especially when you are now both looking after little ones but a couple of generations on (so as to speak). Hoping you continue to enjoy the week ...

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

I heard great things about that movie....we will definitely have to see it.
As for the recipe...that sounds delicious!!

Anonymous said...

That pork does look divine. And I will put Yesterday on my list. And longtime friends are the best, aren't they. (Note I'd never say old friends.) Hope your week goes as planned.

Cheri said...

Now I'm all excited to see Yesterday! And wanting to pick up on Brene's TGIF meme. said...

We really enjoyed Yesterday. So glad you did, too. Sometimes it is nice to allow yourself to just go with a movie or book, even when it suspends reality.

What a special friendship you have with your dear friend. And how nice that your grandchildren can play together now. My childhood best friend lives about 600 miles from me and we rarely see each other. Someday I would love our grandchildren to play together. What a special memory that would be.