Tuesday 1 October 2019

A sentence a day in September

Can't think about September without getting that Earth, Wind and Fire song going around in my brain

So how did September turn out for me?  Let's take a look and find out

Day 1 Cases out of the loft - packing list completed and clothes all washed and ironed.

Day 2 All packed up and ready to go for our holiday!

Day 3 Taxi booked for 3.30 am to take us to the airport for our flight to Dubrovnik

Day 4 Walked the City Walls - an hour and a half but well worth every minute

Day 5 Got the ferry across to the island of Lokrum - I've never watched Game of Thrones but that didn't stop me having a very touristy photo taken from the location that was used in the series.

Day 6 Our 39th wedding anniversary!  Got the local bus to during the day and then had a special meal out in the evening.

Day 7 Woke up to find a very impressive luxury yacht moored outside our hotel - a quick google search told us that it is owned by a Russian multi-millionaire - how the other half live eh?

Day 8 Weather was a bit 'iffy' today so made the most of any short spells of sunshine and sat and read our books under cover during a rather spectacular thunderstorm

Day 9 Wandered around the city making sure we had seen every place of interest the tourist guide recommended.

Day 10 Time to repack and get back on the plane to come home

Day 11 Our daughter's first day back at work after her maternity leave so we were on babysitting duties.

Day 12 Babysitting duties again today (the childminder is on holiday so instead of one day a week we are in charge for three) - they were both very good but boy were we exhausted by the time they went home!

Day 13 Friends round in the evening for drinks - they are off to Corfu on Monday so it was a good excuse to have a pre-holiday celebration

Day 14 Catching up on housework then friends over for an Indian takeaway in the evening

Day 15 Family Sunday with everyone here - oldest nearly 93 and youngest just 7 weeks old!

Day 16 Catching up with chores day in preparation for three full days of grandchildren sitting!

Day 17 Husband excited to pick up his new car - I had my first experience of Baby Sensory with Rosie

Day 18 Coco had her annual appointment at the vets - not her favourite place to spend the morning

Day 19 Babysitting both children today - enjoyed a well deserved gin and tonic with dinner after they had gone home ;-)

Day 20 A day off of childminding duties - finished sewing in all the ends of the zig zag blanket

Day 21 First Stictly Come Dancing programme - now it really feels like autumn is officially here.

Day 22 Lazy Sunday, egg and bacon breakfast, dog walk, roast pork Sunday lunch, relaxing evening.

Day 23 Getting prepared for three more full days of childminding, shopping done and chores up to date because nothing much will be getting done until Friday! Finished the new blanket for Rosie.

Day 24 Baby sensory class for me and Rosie - I think I enjoy it as much as she does, next week the theme is cowboys/cowgirls - I wonder if I can find a stetson to fit a 10 month old?

Day 25 Panic stations in the evening as mother in law rang to say she had had a fall and couldn't get up - emergency dash for Paul to go over to see if she was ok - fortunately she was, but makes us think that we need to start investigating care provision for her.

Day 26 Doc visited m-i-l and diagnosed water infection, I think she felt better just having the opportunity to have a chat with someone about how she is feeling.  Last day of childminding for this week, Coco is going to miss all those little bits of food that fall over the side of the high chair!

Day 27 An anxious day as Paul went into hospital for a gastroscopy and colonoscopy to investigate why his iron stores are low

Day 28 Leo woke up with a horribly swollen, painful eye so we looked after Rosie while he went to A&E where they diagnosed cellulitis of the eyelid - poor little boy.

Day 29 Turns out I have NOT escaped the colds that Paul, Leo and Rosie have had over the last couple of weeks - woke up with that horrible scratchy throat, headache and general feeling of bleugh

Day 30 Tomorrow's Baby Sensory has a cowboy theme and I didn't manage to find a stetson small enough for Rosie so today I found some colourful fabric with stars all over it in my box of remnants and I've made her a bandana to wear and hope we can style an outfit around that!

Are you ready for a one second a day recap?

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Patio Postcards said...

What a great way to recap your month. September was really a full on month of adventures. I hope you are feeling better - I too am out with full on head cold. Fingers crossed that Paul only needs to eat more iron rich foods.

This West London Life said...

What a great month for you - apart from Paul's colonoscopy and your MiL's fall, obviously. Do hope Paul's iron levels are rising!

Deb's World said...

Hi Deb, I always enjoy your monthly posts and we seem to have a lot in common apart from our blog names! My daughter has just returned to work after a year off on maternity leave. Unfortunately we live too far away to help out with childminding duties though. We celebrated 39 years in January this year and so clock up 40 years in January 2020. We'll be in England at the time so are thinking of going somewhere nice for a few days before we head home to Australia. Congratulations, it's a great achievement! Your trip looked good, we cycled and sailed around the islands when we went to Croatia and didn't get to Dubrovnik at all! Hoping all the helth issues are clearing up and you're feeling better.

Natalie said...

Hi Deb - Glad you had a good time in Croatia and belated happy anniversary. I hope all the health issues clear up for you and your family. Your grands and their parents are lucky to have you helping out. I really liked Croatia when I went there, started from Dubrovnik, several stops along the Adriatic Sea, and ended in Zagreb.

Barbara Eads said...

You've had a very impressive September. A little bit of everything, travel, family, food and fun!! I hope your October is just as full!

Joanne said...

Happy anniversary! What a great way to celebrate. I too caught a cold at the end of the month and have been fighting it off.

Susanne said...

What a full September you have had, travels and extra time at home with the little ones. The best of both worlds from my viewpoint.