Monday 28 December 2020

Happy Twixtmas

 So here we are in that limbo period between Christmas and New Year where we aren't quite sure what day of the week it is and we feel an obligation to eat up all the remaining Christmas food and chocolates.  Or is it just me feeling like that?

Every year we take a group photo of those with whom we spend Christmas Day.  It wasn't that hard to get us all in the view finder this year.

It did still take a few tries before we got everyone looking in the same direction though!

We did get a ten minute flurry of snow in the morning so I guess we can say we had a white Christmas but it was literally just for 10 minutes and didn't have time to settle at all.  It was very strange to spend the day on our own, but we met up with Rachel for a socially distanced walk in the afternoon before joining in a Zoom chat with my sister, niece and nephew and their associated families.

I've just taken part in a 'shake off those mince pies' Zumba class online which was good fun and has really made me feel better,  it's no good trying to convince myself that a quick walk round the block with Coco is proper exercise 😉

Being confined to home gave me the perfect opportunity to teach myself crochet though (well, at least three different types of stitches) and I am now the proud owner of a new hat!  

Although the pattern title 'One hour easy crochet hat for beginners' wasn't strictly true, or maybe I'm just a slow crocheter because it took me considerably longer than one hour!  So, what should I try and crochet next?  My friend Denise suggested a blanket but I'm not sure I'm up to doing anything that involves over 100 stitches per row!  

So there's a new jigsaw waiting for me on the table, I have the dvd of Season Sixteen of Greys Anatomy to watch and still a few chocolates that 'need' eating up - that should keep me quiet for those lockdown days shouldn't it?  


This West London Life said...

Haha, all our leftovers have pretty much been eaten now. :) But I have done a Step class this morning, so I don't feel too bad and I've been on long walks with Tilly.

That's a lovely photo of you, P and Coco.
Happy New Year!

Patio Postcards said...

Wonderful photo of the three of you. I like your hat. I've tried a few times to re-learn to crochet ... I am absolutely hopeless at getting tension consistent, I doubt I could get a pot holder straight. I think we have 1 meal left in the left-overs ... then the diet!

alexa said...

I am super-impressed at your crochet skills! It seems like only yesterday you were thinking of taking it up, and here you are, a very competent crochet-er :). Well done on getting everyone facing the camera - if dogs are anything like grandchildren, that can't have been easy. Though I guess at least dogs don't pull rabbit ear stunts in the last few seconds before the shutter goes down! Hoping you enjoy these betwixt and between days. They are my favourite time in the whole year.