Monday 18 January 2021

Me on Monday

 Three things making me feel brighter today

Fresh flowers.  It's been a while since we've had flowers as we haven't been going out to the shops.  But I had to go into town this morning and pick something up and I quickly popped into Waitrose to buy these little beauties.  Not an essential purchase in truest sense of the word but oh how they have brightened my day.

The figures for our area are coming down.  Still way too high (back in September the number was 16 per 100,000) but finally heading in the right direction.  Just look at that number of vaccinations too - that has got to be cause for optimism.

Check out the crochet!  Growing nicely.  I think I'm about a quarter of the way through, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it.  

I hope everyone else has some bright spots in their Monday.  What's making you smile today?


alexa said...

Well, your infectious cheerfulness for one, is lifting my spirits! Your crocheting is proceeding apace and those ice-cream colours are lovely (I'm reminded of mint chocolate chip and neopolitan). Mm., those numbers are a bit higher than here, but half of what they are where my DD lives. Hoping this lockdown is going to make a real difference to the NHS and the numbers, otherwise we will all feel it was a sacrifice thrown away ... But let's focus on your lovely tulips!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

I have tulips too. They fell into my basket when I was in Tesco on Saturday :0)
The numbers here seem to be getting worse but on a positive note we haven't had any more cases at school.

Your blanket is lovely. I hope Coco doesn't think all your hard work is for her :0)

Patio Postcards said...

Your blanket is coming along quickly & it looks lovely. Those tulips are definitely a necessary item if they cheer you. said...

So thankful you have the fresh flowers and your crochet project to bring joy into your days. And the hope that the decrease in numbers indicates that life will someday return to normal. The colors in that blanket are just so restful and soothing. It is going to be very special!!

This West London Life said...

Tulips always make me so hopeful for Spring! :) Your blanket is looking lovely, such a gorgeous set of colours.

Barbara Eads said...

Your afghan is coming along nicely! I love the colors you've selected. Our Covid cases are still on the rise here. I should be getting my first dose of the vaccine in about 2 weeks. I hope so!

Susanne said...

Love the crochet - those are soothing colors for sure. Our vaccination rate in my state is very good too, so that is giving us hope. I just keep focusing ahead on spring and Easter - just a little over 2 months to go.