Friday 8 January 2021

One photo - Twenty words


When it's cold outside there's something very comforting about rock cakes warm from the oven with a freshly brewed coffee. 


Patio Postcards said...

Oh those rock cakes look like seconds! Happy weekend.

This West London Life said...

I'll take mine with a cup of tea, please. :) The Boy Child and I are making blueberry muffins later. said...

Are rock cakes what we would call cookies? Whatever the name, they look scrumptious and I will take two, please, with black coffee.

alexa said...

Rock cakes! Now there's a thing I haven't made in years. Off to find a recipe: Himself will be delighted. (And that's my twenty words without a photo!) said...

Stopped by again to show my Paul your blog!! Enjoy your Saturday night and Sunday!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Oh I haven't had a rock cake in years. They look delicious. Hope you enjoyed them with your coffee :0)

Barbara Eads said...

Rock cakes---now that's a new one to me. They look like chocolate chip cookies to me!