Sunday 20 March 2022


Or should that be 'Quizzicle'?  It seems that the Wordle quiz was just the tip of the iceberg.  Six attempts to find the five letter word.  The letter turns yellow if it's correct but in the wrong place and green if it's in the right place.  

Then I discovered Quordle.  Like Wordle but with four games going at the same time and you get nine attempts.  For some reason I find this easier than Wordle!  

On Thursday I saw someone mention Heardle, a musical intros quiz.  You hear snippets of the intro to a song starting with one second.  You start to type your answer in and you will get a choice of artists and/or songs.  If you get it wrong you hear a little more of the song.  Six attempts before you are timed out. 

Then I discovered Worldle.  You see the silhouette of a country and you have to guess where it is.  When you have guessed, it tells you how many miles your guessed country is from the one you are looking for and in which direction the correct one can be found.  You get five tries for this one. I am not a geographer so this one involves a lot of guesswork.  This 64 year old brain is getting a good daily workout!

The weather here has been glorious and was a good excuse for tidying up the garden.  Also cleaning windows and window cills as the storm we had on Wednesday brought with it horrible orangey coloured dust which has settled everywhere.  

I had also planned to have a good tidy up in J's old bedroom.  We have a cubed bookcase in there and my intention is to keep the grandchildren's toys neatly stacked in the cubes but in order to do that I need to empty all the stuff that J left behind.  I came across a folder in which he had all his travel documents from when he went to Tanzania in 2012.  Tucked in amongst everything I found a batch of photos of us that he had printed off and taken with him and I suddenly felt very emotional that he had done that and imagined him all those miles away possibly feeling homesick.  He had such a wonderful time over there that I doubt that actually happened but it still distracted me enough and needless to say that was the end of my tidying!

So this week sees us on our usual routine, plus the bonus of cakes after Zumba as part of the fundraising for a local hospice. The weather forecast is looking good and I'm hoping that we will be able to spend a bit more time out in the garden. After the cakes on Thursday I'll need to do a bit of extra exercise!  



Patio Postcards said...

OH MY Goodness those hellebores are gorgeous. I've not played wordle, I spent a lot of my day correcting papers/documents trying to figure out what word "they" were really going for. (lol). Heardle sounds fun. Of course you'll need to purchase a few cakes for charity, which will also help with further clear out of J's room ... cake helps with trips down memory lane.

Ruth said...

The Brainy One had the hosepipe out yesterday to wash away all that red dust - you should have seen our bifold doors!
While those online games sound like fun, I know that Id just send too much time on them, so I am staying away.
Beautiful flowers.

Jodie's Touch of Style said...

Gosh, I just learned the Wordle one but haven't been doing it daily. It's amazing how this craze is taking off. And that's a good thing. So much better than shoot em up video games, haah.

alexa said...

Well, this has been a most informative post - thank-you! I'm doer of Wordle and Quordle but haven't come across the others until now. I think I'd be a dead loss on the music one, though my DD and Son-in-Law might do much better. Have you come across Nerdle to add to your collection? That's a number one, which - always thinking of myself as mathematically challenged - I've discovered to my surprise that I enjoy. (I guess it's more logic anything else). The storm seems to have passed us by up here. Your hellebores are such a pretty colour - here's to a week of sunshine and getting out in the garden!

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

I can see those various puzzles becoming quite addictive! How lovely re J and your photos in Tanzania.

Jennifer said...

Hope you are enjoying your week so far. Getting around to at least a few of those chores:) Here's to cakes tomorrow after Zumba - not that might draw me in!!:)

Susanne said...

Oh I can imagine that was an emotional surprise, but lovely all the same to know J took the photos along.

I am a Wordle devotee, but the 4X version gave me a headache. I got my very first Worldle, only because it was Mexico - too easy for us in the US. But I think I will continue on this one, as I would like to think I am up on world affairs, but the actual geography may be a different matter.

Barbara Eads said...

We certainly can get carried away with all the game choices there are. I've been doing Wordle. I checked our your suggestion of Worldle and decided that's not for me. I'm just not good at geography. That's pretty sad considering I specifically took a college course called World Geography. I did it because I knew I was woefully lacking in that area. Whenever there was a place menitoned on the news, I had no idea where it was. When I took the final exam--placing 500 items (cities, mountain ranges, rivers, etc) on a world map--I told the professor that I thought it would be interesting to take it in a year to see how much I had retained. He said 25%. Well, I'm here to say that although I aced that exam, I don't know anymore today than I did when I started. I think I'm just not interested enough to allow brain space!