Monday 24 April 2023

Me on Monday

 Hello!  Here we are again with another Monday.  How was last week for you?

I've just had to check my calendar to see what I did 😆 I know it was busy but there isn't actually much written down!  It was a week of thinking I would get a lot done, and then not getting much done.  The garden got quite a bit of attention; fences are painted and the patio has been jet washed.  That makes you realise just how dirty rainwater is - the difference in colour between the paving slabs that were cleaned and the ones still to do is alarming.

Talking of alarming - if you are in the UK you should have received the test emergency alert yesterday afternoon.  Even though I knew it was coming, it still surprised me when it happened!  Turns out it wasn't a total success and some people didn't receive it.  A friend wrote on Facebook "I didn't receive the alert, am I to assume that I'm not old now to save?"!

We looked after Leo and Rosie yesterday while Rachel and James went up to London to support a friend who was running in the marathon.  I was already feeling tired before they arrived at 8.30am (we had friends over for drinks on Saturday evening who went home after midnight) and I was very tired by the time they went home!  Despite all the crowds, R&J managed to see their friend three times on the route and he has raised over £3000 for his chosen charity, The National Autistic Society.  

So today we are going to collect Paul's new car.  There have been a few delays along the way so I hope that doesn't change.  We often wonder if we really need the luxury of having two cars but these last few weeks of having just mine made us realise that we are still at a point of it being much more convenient.  Since early retirement we have kept up our own interests and it has been a little tricky to coordinate being in the right place at the right time.  Not to mention the amount of times I've had to move child car seats around!  They definitely weren't as heavy or bulky when our children were young.  

There's another teachers strike on Thursday which I suspect may impact on me although no one has actually said anything yet!  I am anticipating having to collect L&R after my Zumba class .  We have a different Zumba teacher this week as our normal instructor is going to New York for 5 days.  The stand in instructor is very young, I wonder if she will take pity on us oldies?  I have recklessly signed up for a Zumba masterclass in a few weeks time - I should definitely have checked out the youtube videos of the very young, male Argentinian instructor before I let my friend talk me into booking my place.  I'll tell you more after the event!

Have a good week!


Patio Postcards said...

WOW what a busy week. Isn't it nice having the patio all cleaned & set up, ready for summer enjoyment of afternoon tea on the patio, drinks in the evening on the patio...

I know the teachers are making a point, but oh my to the disruption for parents to find child minders or take more time off work.

Good luck picking up Paul's new car - what a treat.

This West London Life said...

It's lovely to have the garden ready to go for Summer, isn't it. I've tidied up over the weekend but we have yet to bring out the table and chairs from the shed.
Well done on the friend running the London Marathon (and for a cause close to my heart!).

Two more teachers' strikes looming ...

Barbara Eads said...

Well, for not having a busy week, it sounds pretty busy to me!! About Paul's new car---we have friends that decided several years ago to do away with one of their cars. Not good. Now their friends have to do a lot of extra--picking up because the other needs the car. Another friend thought they would give up a car. That lasted less than two weeks because as you said, they both still have activities and need their car. We 5 cars---that's a lot. 2 are collector cars, but still drivable. 2 are our regular cars. One we kept because the trade in value was ridiculous for such a good car. Now it's the family "loaner" and comes in pretty handy! However, this will be my last car!

Susanne said...

On the bright side, your low energy day was brought on by a fun late night with friends. And I am betting you are up for the new Zumba class -- enjoy!