Monday 17 July 2023

Me on Monday

 I'm back!  What a lovely week we had in Sicily - we really had a lovely relaxing time. So this was me last Monday, let me share some photos

This is the Cathedral (Duomo) Don't be fooled by the apparently cloudy sky, it was still a very hot day as time went on!

So many pretty arches along the pathways in the centre of town

It's quite hilly there and lots of the steps in town had these beautiful coloured planters along the edge of them

One day we climbed the tower of the Duomo; this was a view of the cloisters from half way down - it was so much cooler down there in the shade!

We felt that we had earned a tasty treat after all that exercise, that lemon cake garnished with pistachios and redcurrant was absolutely delicious

A typical street in the centre of town

We soon discovered a favourite place for mid morning cappuccino and cannoli.  Before we went, I didn't think I liked cannoli, I always got in such a mess eating them.  Freshly cooked cannoli in Sicily is so delicious and has changed my opinion, this was my favourite, one end filled with pistachio paste and the other with creamed ricotta.

Sunset came quite early in Cefalu, about 8.30.  This was a view from a restaurant table near the harbour.

Have I whet your appetite for a trip to Sicily?  It was lovely there and we certainly increased our step counts wandering around the streets which almost justified the sweet treats we enjoyed mid mornings! It was very hot and according to the newspapers it will apparently be getting hotter in the next few weeks.  The temperatures were about 32 every day but according to my weather app, the 'feels like' temperature was around 39.  Fortunately our hotel had lots of shady areas to escape the heat around the pool and there was a lovely breeze if you went to the beach so it was not unbearable.

So this Monday finds me in post holiday mood and post holiday washing and ironing!  This week I will also be returning to Zumba - that's going to be a shock to the system but I have missed it and I also need to get back to a little more healthy eating.  I must also try to avoid visiting the Sicilian Deli that has opened in town ;-)

I will probably put off starting those post holiday jobs by checking in on the blog posts I have missed over the last week.  I am very good at procrastinating, especially where ironing is concerned.  

I also need to break the news to Coco that we have unexpectedly got to have a certain little black dachshund come and stay with us for a week while our daughter and her family go on holiday.  The little rascal has unexpectedly come into season and the dog minder who was going to have her won't take any dog in season. I can understand she doesn't want the responsibility.  Needless to say she is booked in for a little op as soon as they are back from holiday!


Patio Postcards said...

Sounds like a wonderful holiday & adventure. I really like your photo of the big pots going up the steps. It seems like the city & residents all take such pride in presentation of their home. Oh cannoli! I hope that Cocco comes round to enjoying a visit with her little visitor & that for you she isn't too much of work & worry. Welcome Home!

This West London Life said...

Well, now I want to go to Sicily! It looks fantastic and I'm so glad you had a wonderful time! I'm not sure that I'd be able to resist all those delicious pastries either ... said...

I tell you, our lives are so parallel at times. Guess who is sitting on the floor beside my recliner? Pumpkin, Lauren's dog, for whom I am sitting for a week while they are in Puerto Vallarta with the other grandparents. Do I sound bitter??!!

Do you paint? Something makes me think you have painted in the past. These photos from Sicily are just lovely. Oh, I need a vacation. If you paint, I encourage you to paint these scenes. The steps, the arch with the pink flowers peeking through, that incredible dusky water scene. OH MY GOSH!! I just love them all.

Tomorrow is ironing day over here. As PC has begun to return to work, he is wearing Polo-type shirts and jeans. So I am easing back to ironing. It was nice to have had a little reprieve.

Enjoy your return to Zumba. Give yourself some grace on the post-holiday chores. There's always next week. Welcome home!!

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

I've always fancied Sicily. Enjoyed seeing your pics. It's such a drag getting back to washing, shopping and so on!

Jennifer said...

Yes, you have whet my appetite (literally!) and convinced me that a trip to Sicily is a must. Sadly, we had friends that lived there until just about six months ago. Would have been wonderful to visit when they were there! Oh, but my, it is beautiful! And all those steps made every delicious dessert and treat you enjoyed more than well deserved! Welcome home. Hope your week is low-key and allows you to ease back into the routine:) Forget the chores!!

Barbara Eads said...

You must have been in Italy at the same time we were. It was really hot for us too. But, one big difference, it stayed light very late--more like 9:30 or so. Where your trip was relaxing, ours was very busy. We, too had a great time, but it sure feels good to be home!

Susanne said...

It looks like a lovely spot for vacation. Glad you enjoyed it and are now home safe. Surely you have inquired already if the new Sicilian deli does cannoli?

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Sicily looks amazing. I'm glad you had a lovely week and avoided the heatwave. I'm going to add it to places to visit once my op is out of the way.