Monday 18 March 2024

Me on Monday 18 March

 So my first post as a pensioner!  I'm happy to report that it doesn't feel too bad so far - my friend Sally sent me a great card which said 'People our age are so much older than us' which summed it up so well.  

As often happens, things did not go completely to plan and I didn't get to have my lunch out with Jon as he was unwell.  Their family have all succumbed to a virus which gives you a high temperature for 24 hours and then three days of total tiredness, Max and Olive have been sleeping for over 12 hours every night!  So we have postponed as I don't really want to share their germs.

We went for cake and coffee at Rachel's which was lovely and she has passed a book onto me that a friend lent her. It is so good I read it for two hours without break while Paul watched the rugby last night so I am almost half way through!  I shall give a proper review on my book reading post at the end of the month - I just hope it continues to be as gripping for the rest of the book.  

I don't actually have too much planned for this week but need to pop out and find a couple of gifts to go with the children's Easter eggs.  I prefer to buy them a token small egg and a book or something rather than a huge chocolate egg-stravaganza 😉

I'll need to conserve my energy for a bumper batch of childcare at the weekend involving a sleep over with Max and Olive on Friday and an evening of babysitting on my own the following day.  Followed by a Sunday of doing very little I hope!

How's your week ahead looking?  


Patio Postcards said...

Happy belated birthday. I did chuckle out loud at the card your friend sent. That does sound a nasty virus, hopefully everyone is on the mend. I cannot wait to read about this book that has you so engaged. I did a book like that.

This West London Life said...

Happy belated birthday and what a great card! Hope Jon and his family are all on the mend and that you've able to reschedule your birthday lunch soon.

Jennifer said...

Happiest birthday wishes!! Sorry lunch did not work out and I hope that everyone is feeling 100 percent soon...and that the children do not bring their germs with them over the weekend! Your book certainly sounds have us all waiting for more details! Enjoy your week. Conserve your energy for that sleepover. Remember your not as young as you used to be!!:)

Barbara Eads said...

That sounded like a good week. I hope it went according to plan! My weeks seem to get busier and busier!