Monday 24 May 2010

This time next week ...

If you look on this webpage next week, you may see me ... instead of 'Where's Wally' it's going to be 'Where's Deb'. This is the Habana bar in Praia da Luz on the Algarve coast of Portugal. It's a great place to sit down with a glass of sangria, a toasted cheese sandwich to people watch at lunchtime. The beach is just across the promenade there - it's lovely. Why not come and join us?!
I'm relieved to see that the weather reports look promising and I am very excited about it although I was not best pleased to wake up with an ear infection on Friday. I am on antibiotics so fingers crossed......
My daughter flies out tomorrow and we may cross paths at Faro airport when we arrive and she comes home. I have visions of opening the door to the house and finding a pile of things she didn't want to bring home like wet beach towels and dirty washing. I don't mind her leaving a bottle of wine in the fridge and some custard tarts like these in the larder though!
Still, with weather as glorious as we had this weekend - we'll all look like we've had a week in Portugal!


Sian said...

Ooh, lovely! I know exactly where you mean and it is beautiful. we have friends with a villa in Lagos and we've been out to stay with them a couple of times. I hope your ear gets better very soon and definitely before your flight!

scrappyjacky said...

Looks perfect,Deb......looks like you'll have a wonderful time [wet towels not withstanding].

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

How fun! Enjoy yourself to the fullest, Deb! xo

Maria Ontiveros said...

so exciting! we're just beginning to think about travel for summer, 2011 (staying close to home this summer). The two choices seem to be Puebla, Mexico or Dublin, Ireland.

humel said...

Wish I could join you! If I'm *very* lucky I might get a day trip to Wales.... ;-)

Hope that ear is better SOON! xx

Denise said...

I wish I was going too and I really hope that ear gets much better very soon, better now that when youare away tho ! xxx

Amy said...

You need to organise a time and day and go there and wave so we can see you - I'll wave back, I promise! Hopefully your ear clears well and truly before the flight :-)