Thursday 26 January 2012

Happy Mail Day

Today was a day that it really felt as if life was trying to give me a sign.  A sign that even on bad days there are nice things out there, and nice people too.  
I'd had a rotten day.  A morning of Excel spreadsheets and questionnaire analysis and number crunching.  Then the newsletter I was involved in producing had some of its articles removed and left me with large spaces to fill.  The day before publication.  And the person proof reading it got very pernickity about things being in bold and things being in italic and things being underlined and wanting to change the style of things just as I thought it was ready to go to print... 18 pages of Publisher needing re-formatting.  
Not to mention the fact that I had had a 'run in' with my son in the morning over his possible forthcoming month of volunteering in Tanzania. I knew that by doing a Masters degree in African Politics, the chance of him wanting to go out there was pretty high, but I was trying hard to push it to the back of my mind.  It's tough to encourage your child to follow their dreams and to take every opportunity offered when in your heart they are still your baby (OK so he's almost 22) and you want to keep them safe and within sight.
So I arrived home to find a package waiting for me and guess what was inside
 A package of goodies from Ruth - Such lovely cards and a gorgeous lilac notebook.  Suddenly the world was a nicer place and I swapped my frown to a smile!
But how typical is this?  I am naturally concerned about my boy travelling off to Tanzania on his own, and all manner of worries are crossing my mind.  So, before dinner, I sat down to watch the six o'clock news and one of the stories there was about a man who died in Tanzania after being stung by a swarm of bees.  My husband turned to me and said 'That could have happened anywhere you know.'  How did he guess what I was thinking?!


Jo.C said...

That does sound like the day from hell but what a fabulous gift. The postcards really made me smile and it just shows how well he knows you. Hope tomorrow is better. Then it's the weekend :0)

Rhona said...

Oh Deb, I totally understand where you're coming from with your son. Letting go of our babies is not the easiest thing to do but when they leave and they're happy and manage on their own, it's so worth while :)
And isn't Ruth's Happy Mail just the nicest thing to receive - whatever type of day you're having! xx

Ruth said...

I'm so glad that I was able to get the timing right with the Happy Mail! I'm sorry that you had such a rough day and that you're so worried for your son. My boy may only be 5, but I already have nightmares about when he's older!

Beverly said...

(((Deb))) This parenthood stuff doesn't get any easier does it. The publishing revisions would have sent me over the edge @@ So lovely that Ruth's mailing was perfect timing!

Maria Ontiveros said...

I can't even imagine having your heart that far away from your body!

Anonymous said...

It will be hard for you but you are note the sort of woman who puts her own needs infront of her children. I know you will wave him off with a smile on your face and a tear in your heart. Take care and see you soon.

scrappyjacky said...

How perfect that the Happy Mail came on just the right day...parenting is definately the world's hardest job....but undoubtedly the most rewarding as well.

Sian said...

Yes, it definitely could have happened anywhere :) I'm right there with you as today TSO set off on her much awaited school trip to Paris

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Hi Debs ~ What a lovely surprise from Ruth and it sounds like the timing could not have been better.

And isn't it funny that the best opportunities for our children are the ones that turn our hearts upside down? Hang in there!!! xo

Scrappi Sandi said...

What a lovely package of goodies & it sounds as if they arrived just in time!! I bet you'll be seeing & hearing about Tanzania all over the place now!! It is so hard to step back isn't boys are just 12 & 15 but I bite my tongue so often!!!! {{hugs}} x

Rachel Brett said...

Ruth must have known you were going to need that :)

Alison said...

Glad Ruth's package arrived to save the day....letting go is hard, but is a necessary evil for us parents..DD is making mutterings about applying for jobs in Hong Kong when she finishes her course!
Alison xx