Monday 9 January 2012

Luscious lemon loveliness

I did say that if the lemon dessert that I made yesterday was as lovely as I remembered it being, I would share the recipe so I will be doing just that.  Click on the recipes tag and it should be there! If you are looking for something light and refreshing and simple to make, this is the dessert.  I find that recipes that I get from other people are entered with the name of the person who gave them to me so this is 'Linda's Lemon Pudding'.  Try it and let me know what you think!


Beverly said...

I do love lemon but for now I am staying away from extra calories. I am bookmarking the recipe for the next time I need to carry a sweet somewhere...does it travel well or is it best served warm?

scrappyjacky said...

I already use this recipe,Deb....and agree that it's delicious.

alexa said...

Oh, I know a dad who would love this ... :).