Sunday 15 January 2012

Just One Sketch

Day one of Just One Sketch has arrived!  Although it arrived with a panic when I couldn't remember how to access the blog that the prompts were going to be on.  Thankfully a quick email rectified that - although I can almost see my report card now 'Deborah needs to pay more attention in class.  Must try harder.'  This class has coincided with my husband being away for the week and so that means I can be as messy as I like and no one is going to moan about wanting to use the desk but they can't because all my craft stuff is on it.  Happy days!  He had the opportunity to go out to Portugal with my brother in law and has gone to rest, relax and recharge his batteries for a week. Lucky thing.
I digress.  Here's my layout for the first day of Just One Sketch

I've been longing to use this photo that was taken on Christmas Day.  My daughter had brought over her puppy's cage with the thought that if she was overwhelmed by all the people and attention or if she got over excited, she could go into her bed and have some quiet time on her own.  However, the children thought the cage was wonderful and ignored all their new presents so they could take it in turns to lock themselves into the dog cage!  Coco couldn't get a look in!

Re yesterday's post and the cheese baker - it's basically a ceramic dish that you can cooked baked brie or baked camembert in.  You take your round of cheese, slice off the top skin, drizzle olive oil over it and insert a few fine slices of garlic in the top.  Sprinkle with herbs if you like and then place in the dish, cover with a lid and put in the oven for about 15 mins.  The cheese inside softens, the flavours of the garlic and herbs get into it and you serve it with crusty bread or bread sticks and it makes like a mini fondue.  Delicious!


This West London Life said...

That's a great start ~ I'm still waiting for my email!

Jo.C said...

The cheese baker sounds fab and I had a similar experience with the e-mail so you won't be the only one.

Sian said...

I'm about to try and remember how to access the blog too. I'm working on magazine projects this week, but I'll be catching up just as soon as I can

Jane said...

lovely layout, you are quick off the mark! I didn't know we were getting an email, I just went on the blog.

Rhona said...

I love this layout :o) My little great niece and nephew also like playing in the dog cage lol!

scrappyjacky said...

OMG....I'd forgotten all about it starting today....that's a great LO to jump start with.

Maria Ontiveros said...

Nice job. I'm looking forward to seeing how this class pans out for everyone.

Sandie said...

I havn't a clue how to access the class, Deb. So I'm in the dark at this stage.
Love that the children played in the dog cage - you know what to buy them for Christmas next year!! Great you can play all week - have fun!

alexa said...

Thank-you for the cheese-baker info - I could persuade myself I needed one. :). Great start to the class - isn't funny how children love the packaging/the playpen.the dog-cage - any container, rather than the gift!

Beverly said...

egads another that forgot today was the first day of class, were we supposed to have received an email? What a hilarious story, it definitely needed to be scrapped. Thanks for explaining about the cheese baker, I think I might would love one a bit too much lol

Deb @ PaperTurtle said...

Super cute layout and story, Deb! And the cheese baker sounds like a great piece of kitchen equipment to have. I've never heard of one before.

Alison said...

I had to get in touch with Kirsty's now safely on my sidebar! Love the LO and the pic and journalling are too cute!
Alison xx

Michelle S said...

Gr8 LO! Love it

Julie J said...

Gosh, you were quick. I only picked my sketch today and have a couple other projects to do befor eI get round to this.

Rachel Brett said...

Fab layout Deb...this is another project that is on my to-do list! :)

Laurie said...

Lovely layout Deb...I got my sketch done but have lagged behind with the actual layout. Off to start it now !

Miriam said...

this is lovely Deb, and yes you were quick! I just got my first page done today. :)