Saturday 7 January 2012

Project completed

Whilst at the Eclectic Keepsakes crop today I finally did the last layout for the 4x6 Photo Love project that Shimelle ran over 2011.  12 photos on one layout - done and dusted!

Excuse the quality of the photos, but it's that time of day and that time of year!  Only mid afternoon but already having to put the lights on in the house.  
I was so pleased to go to the crop today even though I couldn't stay long as I was still feeling poorly.  Whatever this bug is, it's horrible and I'm fed up with it!  From what I hear from others, it's a two weekly thing so hopefully I am now half way through.
As for those cups I showed in yesterday's post, I am happy to say that I am not the one who has to polish them (there are over 40 prizes awarded and that's a lot of polishing!)  At our school we have a policy of year 8 girls being given one day a year off of timetable to be our 'student receptionist'.  They sit at a desk in the main reception area and sign in visitors, sign for deliveries, get messages to students and generally help out wherever possible.  The day before Senior Presentation Evening is the day that the student receptionists are given the cups to polish.  For some reason, give a 12 year old an opportunity to roll up their sleeves and get dirty and they are happy as a pig in ... clover.  So when I gave them the cups, dusters, rubber gloves and a tin of 'Silvo' their eyes lit up!


This West London Life said...

Lovely! I'm just thinking about mine now. Hope you feel back to 100% soon.

Sian said...

Deb, I hope you start to feel better soon, feeling under the weather for two weeks is a real drag. I like the idea of a student receptionist - very clever way to give them a bit of responsbility

alexa said...

Sorry to hear you are still feeling poorly and hope you'll be over the worst of it soon. Smiled at your students' enjoyment of Silvo - at home, this was a chore rather than a pleasure!

Rhona said...

Thanks for clearing up the polishing mystery ;o) Hope you're feeling better soon and well done for finishing your layout! x

Maria Ontiveros said...

Great job sticking through all the prompts. I really lie this one. Might givevit a go.

Cheri said...

Great job on 4x6 Photo Love Deb! (I flaked out after a couple months). Sorry you are still not better - my "cold" lasted the entire month of December. I hope yours is significantly shorter in duration.

Sandie said...

Sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye today or to see your finished page. I'm guessing you put the photos back to back - clever. I did wonder how you'd fit 12 photos onto one page!
I don't know if it is the same bug that my son has had but he has been completely stricken too - it sounds a nasty thing doing it's rounds. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Anonymous said...

It was lovely to see you today and I am so sorry you had to go home early. The project looked spectacular and I am pleased you managed to get it finished before that pesky bug got you down again. Speedy recovery xxx

Beverly said...

Was hoping that you were fully recovered :/ The page looks great and thank heaven for 12 year old girls ;)

Alison said...

I think I gave up on 4x6 in September, but I DO like the look of this one! Hope you're feeling better...and I am studiously avoiding looking at the Lemon Sponge recipe!!
Alison xx