Saturday 28 January 2012

Just one sketch #4

I just want to say how much I am enjoying the class 'Just One Sketch'.  Wednesday's prompt was to go minimalist with the colours on the page.  She referred us to a website called Design Seeds that would help put colours together.   Now, I have to warn you now, going onto this website will seriously affect the amount of time you spend on the Internet - but I know you won't be put off by that will you?
So I started with this picture
And I liked the look of this combination
But it was a bit too pink and purple rather than red and blue, so I looked again and found this
And with that for inspiration, I made this
I wonder what's in store next?


Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh that is beautiful - I am so far behind that I must try to at least get one of the two I need to do done this weekend.

Lou said...

wow gorgeous photo and the colour palette you chose works so well...great page.

Rachel Brett said...

That's a lovely picture Deb, I'm a bit behind with Kirsty's class...It's another that's on my to-do list :)

scrappyjacky said...

I haven't got this far yet...but love Design Seeds....I could spend hours on there!
Love what you've done here.

Sandie said...

Oh.. that looks exciting. Hang my head in shame, I've not done any of the prompts. But thoroughly enjoying what others are doing and I must print the pages so I can come back to them easily when I have time. Lovely pages Deb.

Sian said...

A lovely just-that-little-bit-different colour palette; and it's perfect for that fascinating photo. Lovely.

Amy said...

I like that website too! Your page is fantastic Deb, the colours really are perfect!

Laurie said...

Lovely colours...I darent go to that website yet still trying to do number 3...

Michelle S said...

Looks gr8! Love it!