Friday 6 January 2012

Hello Spring Term 2012

Back to work yesterday after over two weeks off - oh it's painful!  Quite apart from the fact I was still feeling poorly, it was our Senior Presentation Evening where our ex Year 13 and ex Year 11 are invited back to collect their A level/GCSE certificates and we also award special prizes.  My colleague and I are responsible for the organisation of this and my responsibility lies with putting the right certificates in the right envelopes (oh the stress!  270 students get an envelope each with at least 3 certificates in them ...) and also getting the nominations in for the winners of the prizes.  
It's a pretty important evening in the life of the school and a real celebration of our students' achievements.  So when I saw that the 365+1 theme for the photo of the day was excitement, how could I resist taking a photo of the silver cups and glass trophies that were waiting on my desk to be taken through to the stage?


Sian said...

I hope you don't have to polish them! That's a great picture - you could use it for all sorts of layouts about achievements. I hope the weekend gives you a bit of a chance to recover after what sounds like a baptism of fire this week

alexa said...

What a great photo - and love how your creative and work life are intertwined! Here's to time for you to catch your breath at the weekend!

Jo.C said...

Great photo - I'm back Monday and dreading it. I've got to do something similar for my year 11 in two weeks when they get their current results - good fun :0)

scrappyjacky said...

And I'm sure you got them all in the right envelopes!!

Cheri said...

great shot! Hope you feel better soon.

Sandie said...

Hope you will be at the crop tomorrow so you can have some more unwinding time. The photo is great, love the reflections.

Rhona said...

My first thought was the same as Sian's, hope you didn't have to polish them! Hope the presentation went well and that you start to feel a bit better soon. xx

Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better and looking forward to seeing you tomorrow xxx

Scrappi Sandi said...

What a great picture & perfect for todays word! Hope all the right bits ended up in the right envelopes! I'm sure they did if it was down to you!! Have a great weekend! :)

Maria Ontiveros said...

Beautiful trophys! My kids were back in school this week, but I don't start until next week. This week we did a celebration of the boy's soccer championship from last year. It was fun, but a lot of work!