Tuesday 10 March 2020

10 on the 10th

From the number of posts I've done recently you may have noticed that I am following a few fellow bloggers with different memes and today it is '10 on the 10th' as seen on Leslie's blog.  

10 questions, based on this time of year.  10 answers ...

  • How did you celebrate Easter as a child?  When I was growing up we would always have toasted and buttered hot cross buns for breakfast on Good Friday and that was the only day of the year that we would eat them.  Nowadays you can buy hot cross buns all year round and it has somehow taken away the 'special' feeling of eating one but they are so delicious I cannot resist buying them.  However, we only ever have the traditional fruit buns, I'm not one for chocolate or salted caramel hot cross buns - something about messing with the flavours doesn't seem right. We will also usually have fish for dinner on Good Friday.  And last but by no means least - I almost forgot to mention chocolate Easter eggs on Easter Sunday ... 
  • Do you spring clean?  Not to the extent that my Mum used to!  She would clean everything - no cupboard was left untouched.  I have phases of ruthlessly cleaning one room at a time so I guess I could say that I do spring clean, it just takes me a while to go through the whole house.  There is something about freshly cleaned windows and a dust free room though.  We have a window cleaner come and do the outside of the windows every couple of months and I always go round and clean the inside on the same day - I do like a sparkling clean window!
  • What’s spring weather like where you live?  Impossible to predict!  We have had sunny springs, and we have had snowy springs - I wonder what this year will be?
  • How green is your thumb? I have to admit that Paul is the gardener in our home, I am just the part time assistant.  My speciality is pruning things back but have a reputation for getting carried away! In the interests of being up to the minute with this post, this photo of our back garden was taken this morning.

  • AC on or windows open? No need for air con here in Hertfordshire!  I do like to open the windows when the sun is shining and the temperatures pick up, there is something about airing a room which makes it nice and fresh.  
  • How do you decorate for spring/Easter/Passover?  This is the first year I have bought anything to decorate the house at Easter time but I'm pretty happy with my little Easter tree.

  • How do you get bathing suit/shorts/warm weather ready?  I'm not sure I ever do 😊 I normally have a little panic when I start to try on last summer's clothes - amazing how they can shrink a little when they've been hanging in the wardrobe over winter!
  • Is your closet arranged with just the current season’s clothes?  We can have all four seasons in one day here so I always have a variety of clothes in my wardrobe.  Sleeveless dresses and shorts get put away in about October and thick jumpers get put away when I bring the summer bits back down in about May.

This is a picture of my wardrobe space.  When I see pictures of American homes with walk in wardrobes I am amazed!  So the tall wardrobe space is for the clothes I am wearing at the moment and any out of season clothes are in vacuum packs in my half of the small cupboards above the bed.  I also have 5 drawers in a chest beneath the bedroom window for underwear, nightwear and sweaters.

  • What’s your go-to spring uniform?  Cropped trousers with t shirts or dresses with a blazer
  • What outdoor activities do you enjoy in the spring?  Longer dog walks!  I'm not one for competitive sports.  Trouble is, I'm just not competitive so no one would want to be my partner!  
So that is it, 10 facts about spring over in Deb's World!


alexa said...

I really enjoyed reading this! And am totally with you on the hot cross bun front - Good Friday only. Your spring-cleaning efforts put me to shame - by the time the sun is bright enough to show up the dust, I want to be outside :). Your garden is looking very neat and tidy ...

Patio Postcards said...

I'll put another vote to the Hot Cross Buns debate, traditional buns ARE the only ones (col). For us growing up it was Hot Cross Buns on Easter morning.

I don't do much decorating for Easter. I would really like to have an Easter Lily as I enjoy the fragrance but alas potentially hazardous for kitties.

Cheri said...

I have to say that I agree with you on the excessive wardrobes of some Americans. I've watched HGTV shows where the running joke is the woman (or occasionally man) needing an entire room for a closet. I was just thinking the other day about how as a teen everything I owned fit in a small 3 drawer dresser and I had maybe 5 items on hangers. I now have a huge dresser and about 8 feet of hanging space - and I actually wear about a third of that most of the time. I keep trying to donate things that I no longer love or don't feel comfortable in. Some things are just harder to let go of.

This West London Life said...

Ooh, I enjoyed this post! Re hot cross buns when we were younger - only on Good Friday and cod in parsley sauce for tea!

I do like a hot cross bun with my mid-morning cuppa - a buttered bun has enough sweetness to stop me from piling into the chocolate!

I am so envious of the walk-in wardrobes we see in American homes ... one day! All my hanging space is in the spar room!

onceuponatimehappilyeverafter.com said...

Oh, Deb, I would partner with you for anything any day. I am not competitive either but am enjoying pickleball. At least at this stage while it is not competitive play.

I would like to try a hot cross bun. Maybe if I make it to England I can have one. I think I would prefer un-fancy buns, too. I like my doughnuts plain.

Don't know how you manage with the wardrobe. But I imagine you all are wiser about your clothing selections. And buy quality over quantity. Our spring 'uniforms' are similar. I rarely wear dresses - just to church, but think I may try more maxi skirts and dresses this year.

So glad to have you play along!! Please add your link to the link up so others can find you!

Barbara Eads said...

We used to do the most extensive spring cleaning. It lasted a week! I don't think I've ever spent a week cleaning. Especially since I have a cleaning lady, I don't feel the need to really do a big spring clean. I try to clean out throughout the year. I do the chandeliers around Thanksgiving. Everything else is on an as needed basis---or more correctly, when I notice!