Monday 23 October 2023

Me on Monday

 A new week dawns.  It will be good to see the back of the wet weather, boy did it rain on Saturday!  It was a day for doing not very much apart from staying indoors and catching up on some jobs we've been putting off for a while.

First up, changing the summer duvet for an autumn one (we still have another higher tog one to go for the true winter months!) I must be honest and say that as I smoothed the covers down I thought to myself "That feels better, I can't wait to get in there tonight"!  

Then the big job of the day, and the one I'd been least looking forward to, was installing a new lock on the front door.  The old one broke on Thursday, just before we were due to go out and babysit for Max and Olive.  Great timing eh?  Fortunately we also have a mortice lock on the front door so were able to secure the house by using that.  Of course the size of lock that we needed wasn't in stock in any local shops so had to be ordered in and Saturday was earmarked for installation.  Although Paul's confidence was high and he assured me that of course he could replace it, there was just a little teensy bit of doubt in my mind.  Let's just say it wasn't as straightforward as it could have been, and although the dimensions on the website said it would fit perfectly, a little extra work had to be done (through gritted teeth) but we now have a fully functional lock!

Last week was quite full in places and at one point I ended up stripping off in a vet's surgery to swap clothes with Rachel. Let's not go into the messy details and just say that Daisy got very scared whilst in the waiting room 😳💩 Actually we didn't really swap, because trust me, no one would want to be wearing the clothes that R had been wearing!  I was out shopping before going to Zumba when I received the distress call, so popped into Tesco for a cheap pair of leggings and gave Rachel the jumper I was wearing so she could drive home in clean clothes and I then had to drive home in a sports bra and waterproof cagoule!

This week is half term and so we have a couple of full days of childcare but to start the week off I am meeting my friend Judy for coffee at a lovely farm shop which is in between both of us. 

A trip to the optician is on the cards for the end of the week and then big party celebrations for Olive who turns two on Saturday.  Where does the time go? Hope you have a good week ahead.


Patio Postcards said...

OM goodness, poor Daisy being that scared. Thank goodness you were able to get to Rachel's rescue. And speaking of scary, having a front door lock broken, not good in these days. Thankfully Paul is handy with repairs. I'm sure you'll get a scary shock at the Opticians at the price of new glasses (col).

Jennifer said...

Oh no, poor Daisy. I'm sure she was most embarrassed!! Kudos to Paul...sticking with the home repair. Are they ever as straightforward as you think they will be? Have a great week, friend. One with no impromptu dress changes - lol!

This West London Life said...

Those sort of DIY jobs always take longer than expected! What a horrible/embarrassing thing to happen to R at the vet's - thank goodness she had you close by to help out!

♥ Liz ♥ said...

It's so nice to have the heavier weight quilt on the bed. Feels more snugly. I hope both Daisy and Rachel have both recovered from the vet ordeal. Thank heavens for the cagoule!!
Have a lovely time at the farm with your friend.

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

I love a cosy duvet but unfortunately I get so hot all the time I use the 1 tog duvet all year round, occasionally adding a blanket. Hope Daisy and Rachel have recovered from the trauma of the vet's. Have a good week

Barbara Eads said...

I am reading this on Sunday--the day my Hygge post is on my blog. So, that made me super aware of your garden view. It's just beautiful. You surely must be happy and have improved mental health due to your lovely window view. I love the old building in the back set amidst the flowers and plants--almost hidden. I love the raindrops on the window too! As always, a fun post, keeping us up-to-date. I really like glimpses into your daily life. Does that make me a voyeur?