Monday 2 October 2023

Photo Hunt Final check in

 So here we are with the final contributions for the Summer Scavenger Hunt 2023 arranged by Mary Lou over at Patio Postcards. Please pop over there to see her latest finds too!

Here are my missing finds (Previous finds can be found here and here )

Number 12 Summer Tools

Somewhere in amongst the flowers are a trowel, secateurs and a watering can

Number 13 A sold or for sale sign

Now this is not strictly a 'For Sale' sign but it is indicating items for sale on a local market stall.  If this isn't suitable for this category I'll claim it under Favourite Summer Taste - all the gorgeous summer fruits!

Number 14 Something that rolls

This is Rosie's Trunki which she always brings if they are coming for a sleepover.  Crammed to the brim with her treasures even though she's only here for one night!  

So that is it for another year - I always enjoy this challenge and Mary Lou always manages to find things that can be interpreted in many ways so everyone can join in no matter where in the world you live!


♥ Liz ♥ said...

That fruit is a great find and definitely covers both choices.

Patio Postcards said...

Deb thank you for joining in for this year's SPSH. I think a shorter list works for everyone & I too like that the items can fit for an interpretation of many.

I like your for sale sign photo & it works for me :) Being that it is pink, Rosie's travel luggage has me quite envious.

This West London Life said...

I think watering cans have featured heavily for Summer Tools. :) The for sale sign photo also works for me - all that delicious fruit!

Jennifer said...

Oh, all the summer fruits. I'm missing summer already!! Summer is the best, in my humble opinion, for so many reasons. Including the yummy food:)

Barbara Eads said...

I love your round-up of colorful photos. My favorite is the fruits and veggies. Although, I have to admit, the gardening tools in the garden looks great---sort of like decorating the garden! said...

So glad to catch up with you. Your summer tools and 'for sale' photos are really pretty with the lovely colors and textures. I can spy your watering can among those beautiful blooms. I am a little envious that Miss Rosie and your other grands spend the night with you on occasion. We have only tried having Lucia, now 7, spend the night unsuccessfully when she was about 3 years old. Cami has a lot of sleep difficulties and Lauren has about decided that Cami sleepwalks. So maybe for now it is for the best that we don't have her spend the night. How cute is that rolling suitcase that accompanies Rosie. I can just imagine all the goodies she has packed inside.