I do hope that everyone has a happy Christmas. In amongst all the festivities and happy times there is often a quiet moment when some of us remember those who are no longer around to join in the fun. My parents made a huge effort to ensure that all our Christmases were memorable and their generosity knew no bounds. It is for them that I carry on so many family traditions and by doing so, their spirit is still with us.
It's not often that the husband gets a look in on my blog, so this is a rare appearance by him, but I wanted to raise a glass to all the new people I have met this year (blogwise!) it's been great to discover your amazing blogs and I shall be following your stories and lives in the new year.

Sloe gin? I'm coming to yours for Christmas. I LOVE sloe gin, especially with a dash of bitter lemon!
It was great 'meeting' you to Deb and looking forward to hearing more about your life in 2010.
It's been great to find your blog this year Deb - have a fantastic Christmas, and I look forward to spending more time on your blog through 2010 :-)
Merry Christmas to you and yours - I have very much enjoyed your wonderful blog over recent weeks and will continue to read into 2010 - I hope the New Year continues to bring you all you hope for :)
'Bottoms up 'to all of you -glad you are all back together now -big hugs and see you in the inbetweeny bit xxxx
hope you have a wonderful christmas debs! Thanks for all the lovely comments u have left on my blog, especially telling me to do my prep! ha ha! Have a really lovely christmas with the family. xxxxx
Have a wonderful christmas...and enjoy the sloe gin.
Merry Christmas Deb!
Merry Christmas deb, Sorry I didn't post this yesterday it was a manic day! Hope you had a good one and I look forward to reading your blog in 2010. x
Lovely photo! So nice to see the two of you together. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day and here's to a new year full of new stories and projects! x
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