Tuesday 2 April 2019

Sentence a Day - March

I have a bit of a soft spot for March, after all - it is my birthday month!

Let's see how the days unfolded as I entered the month 'only' 60 and ended it officially in the 'over 60' age bracket.

Day 1 Went to the dealership to sign the final paperwork on my new car

Day 2 Picked up new car - went to a quiz night in the evening with my nephew and his wife and friends where we finished a respectable 5th (had been joint 2nd at one point but the sports round was our undoing)

Day 3 Invited out for Sunday lunch to our son and daughter in laws house - what a treat! (also a good excuse for a run out in the new car)

Day 4 Hired a carpet cleaner and cleaned most of the rooms in our house - feeling very virtuous!

Day 5 My son's 29th birthday - check out the amazing 20 layer cake - Schichttorte - that his wife made for him! 

Also introducing his niece (our granddaughter), her first (of many I am sure) photo on my blog.

Day 6 Went to my daughter's house and helped build an Ikea drawer unit and put together 4 dining room chairs.

Day 7 Diabetic nurse wants a more detailed blood test done - two and a half hours wait at the local hospital 

Day 8 Paul went to Papworth hospital to be told that his sleep apnoea is well under control with the new mouthpiece - relief all round.

Day 9 Drinks in the evening with another couple - my husband met the husband while doing his volunteer work at the local Country Park but I'd never really spoken much to his wife - what a lovely couple, nice to make new friends!

Day 10 Family Sunday, starting to realise how frail my 92 year old mother in law is.

Day 11 Spent an hour at my old place of work talking through the organisation of the annual Awards Evening - lovely to see all my old work colleagues but didn't make me miss the actual work at all!

Day 12 Poured with rain all day, no excuse not to blitz the top of my wardrobe - managed to fill two charity recycling bags with old clothes. 

Day 13 Back to Barre Fitness - did lots of exercises with a small ball between our legs, not sure if I will be able to walk properly tomorrow!

Day 14 My birthday!  Leo went into hospital for his egg allergy challenge and passed - best birthday news ever! 

Day 15 The more accurate blood tests for my possible pre-diabetes came back normal with 'no further action' 😊

Day 16 Went to friends for dinner and 'games night' - was so much fun, haven't laughed that much in ages.

Day 17 Supposed to be going to our daughter's for lunch but she's really poorly so they ended up coming here instead.  

Day 18 Looked after Rosie for a little while while her mummy ran some errands

Day 19 Booked our September holiday - Dubrovnik here we come!

Day 20 Shopping trip to Chelmsford where I bought nothing and my husband got lots - that's not right is it?

Day 21 Zumba!  When I got there I remembered that I'd forgotten to go to Barre Fitness the day before - doh!

Day 22 Knitted a few more rows to the cardigan I'm making for Rosie - in between weekly shop, ironing, cooking ...

Day 23 Invited friends over for drinks in the evening, which naturally meant a mad clean up and lots of housework before they arrived - candles lit, wine opened, and ... relax ...

Day 24 My daughter and family came for lunch; the glasses from last night were washed and lined up on the kitchen window sill - 'how many people came over last night Mum?' "Just Mandy and Richard" - 'so how come you got through 8 glasses?' Prosecco for us ladies, beer for the men to start with, then everyone had glasses of wine - this may be why I feel very tired today.

Day 25 What did we do before youtube?  Couldn't remember how to neatly join knitted shoulder seams, a quick search on t'internet and voila! Perfectly flat shoulders on Rosie's cardigan.

Day 26 Channeled my inner Marie Kondo and helped my daughter totally rearrange her kitchen - very satisfying (although no one knows where anything is any more!)

Day 27 Went to Barre Fitness - not sure if I will continue with this - picked up a leaflet for a yoga class on my way out, maybe it's worth seeing if I prefer that.

Day 28 Bought a pair of summer sandals in the hope that the weather will be good enough to bare my toes when we go to Portugal in May.

Day 29 Went to see The Pantaloons' production of The Odyssey - they are so clever to get so much comedy and current affairs into a Greek epic!

Day 30 Productive day helping at our son's house, husband helping install a loft ladder and me wreaking havoc pruning back shrubs and ivy in the garden.

Day 31 Mothering Sunday - spent the day with my grandchildren/grand-dog
Can't think of a better way in which to end a month!

Have you kept notes of what you've been up to this month?  Why not add your post to the link up.
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Patio Postcards said...

I always enjoy your month round up with a sentence a day. You seemed to have had a lovely month filled with lots of lovely family time.

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

We have so many things in common Deb and now a granddaughter called Rosie! I love your mention of a granddog. Good news that you sailed through the pre-diabetes test. That 20 layer cake looked amazing!

Fairytales and Fitness said...

For the most part, do you enjoy Barre? I've never done it but I see they offer it at a resort I am staying at next month. I'm thinking of trying it.

Natalie said...

Happy belated birthday, Deb! That's great news that you sailed through the pre-diabetes test. Enjoy April and your new car :)

This West London Life said...

I know I say it every month, but I do love these months-in-a-sentence. That's a lovely photo of your son and Rosie!

Joanne said...

Happy belated birthday and mothering day!

Deb's World said...

Always so good to see what the other Deb's World has been up to!! I've linked up too :)

mireille said...

Congratulations on your grandschild and happy birthday! I love getting a glimpse into people's lives =)

Foxy's Domestic Side said...

Happy Birthday! You are the 3rd person I know with that birthday, my husbands in on the 15th. Good month to be born. Congrats on the new grandbaby! I'm doing Barre tonight, it's one of the those classes that you love to hate I've decided....or something like that!

Jamie Moore said...

What didn't you like about barre? I've been going and love it but hurt my hip last week and it's still sore. I'm only 38 geez!

onceuponatimehappilyeverafter.com said...

So glad you are able to share photos of the grands. You are beaming in that photo. Can't wait to see Rosie styling her handmade cardi. What a fashionista she is sure to be.

Have you moved onto yoga entirely now? My 2 barre classes were enough to convince me that I wasn't interested in working that hard. Will happily continue running and working out at the gym. I felt so defeated and uncertain with everything I tried to do at barre. Not a pleasant feeling although probably very good for my brain. Aww, but who cares about that?

Yay for clean cabinets and organized kitchens. When my daughters both moved into their houses, I was invited to help organize and decide which cabinet should be for what, which drawer for silverware, linens. It made me feel good.

Not fair at all that the hubs got a haul of goodies on a recent shopping spree and you came home empty-handed. I think you need to try again.