Monday 13 January 2020

New beginnings

Well, that was an eventful week - but I feel we are starting this week in a better place, so let's take a deep breath and move forward. It has been so nice to know that M-I-L is being looked after and not dread that phone call to say she has fallen again.  An added bonus was that Jon came for the day on Saturday with Max while Sophie was at a friend's baby shower, so he was able to pop in and see Grandma in her new home.  Before they visited Max very kindly took us out to one of my favourite restaurants for a Thai tapas lunch - which was very generous of him, bearing in mind that he couldn't eat anything as the only food he's tried so far has been broccoli and avocado!  It may be a while before properly join in but he was very well behaved and almost got a finger in his dad's massaman curry!  

One very nice thing that did happen last week was that we booked a holiday.  Rachel and family invited us to join them again this year and we handed over all decisions to her, in some ways it was really nice to have someone else do everything, I'm not always good at relinquishing control!  She did a lot of research, talking to friends who have used family friendly websites and asking from recommendations from the 'Mummies page' on Facebook and narrowed it down to a lovely resort in Sagres, Portugal.  We know the Algarve well as my sister has a home there, but Sagres is just that little bit further along so it's a new place to explore for us too.  I suspect that a little bit of babysitting may be involved but give us a glass of wine and a balcony to drink it on while watching the sun set and we are more than happy to oblige!  In anticipation of time spent around a pool I have already ordered a couple of new swimsuits.  That should give me the impetus to get back on the healthy eating regime (now I've finished off all the Christmas chocolate).

Reading through other people's blogs from other parts of the world it is weird that some are battling snow and ice on one side of us and on the other side of the globe they are experiencing the hottest temperatures ever.  Here it is just mild and damp, the kind of weather where a dog can leave the house spotlessly clean and return with mud splashes up to her 'armpits' (except dogs don't have arms, but leg pits doesn't sound right does it?) maybe getting a white dog wasn't such a good idea!


Ruth said...

Always lovely to have a family holiday to look forward to! I'm looking into booking a few days away during the Easter holidays ...

Patio Postcards said...

How kind of baby Max to take you out for lunch. Ah a holiday in a warm sunny place, now that's a winter dream. Hope you MiL is settling in to her new home.

alexa said...

I like Max's healthy food choices :). When our DD was here at Christmas, we started trying out foods with our little grand-daughter, now six months old. Single tasters of vegetables only is, I understand, the way to go these days. (Avocado, squash and courgette were the favourites). Hoping you enjoy the upside of letting others decide what/when/where and that you really enjoy it when you get there. A pool, a balcony and a little wine sounds quite delightful. said...

We never have much winter but have had very mild temps this season. My mom in Kentucky and in-laws in Ohio always have big snows and have seen nary a flake. Very strange.

Your vacation sounds delightful. Oh, to go somewhere unique like Portugal. Rather than Kentucky and Ohio. We need a real vacation. Have planned a mini get-away for some baseball spring training in Phoenix. But I need beach.

Good for you to finish off the chocolates. I guess I need to eat mine up so we can be done with that!

Max is so precious. Has grown so. Charming dinner companion.

víctor ef said...

Hello mate nnice blog