Monday 18 October 2021

Me on Monday

 Happy Monday!

Starting the week here having had what felt like an almost back to normal few days.  Not to mention and clean and tidy house after three days of having people here - always an added benefit of seeing people socially!

On Friday I had two ex-work friends over for a cup of tea and slice of cake in the afternoon, it was gloriously sunny and warm sitting in the conservatory it almost felt like we had taken a few steps back into summer.  

Saturday evening we had a couple of friends over to share an Indian takeaway which was really delicious and something we used to do about once every six weeks.

Sunday involved Jon, Sophie and Max coming over for lunch.  I had said to Jon on Thursday that if they were free and looking for something to do, they were welcome to come and join us.  I heard nothing by Saturday morning when I went to do my shopping but fortunately I bought a few extra veggies and a slightly larger chicken because on Saturday afternoon he messaged me to say that yes they would like to come!  Always expect the unexpected with that branch of the family tree!

We have actually had a few conversations about plans for Christmas this weekend.  I daren't think about definite plans after last year's fiasco when the week before Christmas we were put in lockdown in our area.  So while we are hopefully arranging Plan A, I will definitely have Plan B at the back of my mind.  

My project for this week is to make a photo book from the pictures we took during our week in Southwold.  This is just the kind of thing I love to do and will spend hours working on it - it's almost, kind of, similar, sort of, digital scrapbooking!

Oh, to be back there again ...

... and oh how I miss our evening stroll to go and get salted caramel gelato!


Susanne said...

Plan B and backup plans are always a good idea. I wonder how many of us will hold onto the lessons we learned these past 18 months, when we finally return to full normal.

Patio Postcards said...

I did chuckle about Plan B ... I live my life it seems in Plan F or G even before lockdowns & restrictions! The photo book option sounds fun & what a great way to re-live such happy memories - of course treats are in order!

Barbara Eads said...

We've already been given the "go ahead" for family holiday plans this year. I'm looking forward to that and will do a "full on" decorating. Also, one question. I know that pudding means dessert for us. Does cake really mean cake? Or is it another term for pudding?

This West London Life said...

With numbers continuing to rise, a Plan B for Christmas will be essential, I think. We are tentatively thinking about planning an overseas trip for next Summer ...

alexa said...

Photobooks certainly do absorb time, don't they! Delighted you're enjoying the process. You know your family well, clearly, and must have had their possible decision at the back of your mind! I have a DD in similar vein. Goodness knows what's going to happen in the months ahead - our DS and family have booked to come here from mainland Europe for Christmas, so I am crossing my fingers ...

Jennifer said...

Christmas plans!? Oh my. I have not gone there yet - but I do you think a Plan A AND a Plan B is wise!! What a fun weekend you had...I love casual get-togethers and sharing good food. If only I had a conservatory - sigh!! said...

How wonderful that you are feeling back to normal - almost - with friends over for cake, and more friends over for Indian food. I remember how you used to do that regularly.

Just read in your last post how Coco is not terribly enchanted with Daisy. My male dog was always very scared of his own puppies. I found that very odd. Mama dog was so good with them but daddy kept a safe distance from the pups.

So glad you are working on an album for your vacation pictures. You mentioned scrapbooking. Are you going to digitally scrapbook these photos or make actual scrapbook pages? Or just organize the photos in an or real. I got started with this collage art and have set my scrapping aside. But want to get back to it. Have a goal of finishing Cady's ballet pictures. Need to make that happen.

We are talking holiday plans, too. But Brennyn will be having Declan the week of Christmas which will change things up this year. Not sure we will even put up a Christmas tree since we won't be home. We'll see.