Monday 25 May 2015

Me on a stressful Monday

My kitchen is being ripped out tomorrow which is why today sees me doing this

Emptying every cupboard and shelf, and once the cupboard is bare, removing the door handle so it can be reused on the new units.  Also a show of progress, no handle = one more cupboard or drawer emptied.  15 down and two to go ...
They are literally gutting the room, every tile will be gone, the beams are going and the ceiling being replaced. Apparently the doors into the kitchen will be sealed up to keep the dust contained so we are having to decamp to the dining room for tea/coffee making and microwaved meals.  So my dining room looks like this

It reminds me of the self service breakfast area of a seaside bed and breakfast hotel! Only with less choice! 
Needless to say it's been a weekend of tidying and boxing up.  Decision making - I've not seen that piece of Tupperware for 10 years, do I really need to keep it?  Planning - how many microwave meals can we have before we give in and ring for a takeaway?  De-cluttering - oh I am not good at that! Trying to sneak things into the 'keeping but going up in the loft' box, discovering little treasures at the back of units, a few 'best mum in the world' mugs and things made out of glue, paint and pasta.  Souvenirs from holidays.  Silly things that hold too many memories to discard.
It's nice to have a break in proceedings to give a wave to Sian who suggested meeting up each Monday.  I'd offer you a cup of coffee but I can't remember where I've put the kettle ...


scrappyjacky said...

I feel your pain at having to de-clutter!!

Anonymous said...

What a busy weekend with all the cupboard and drawer clearing to do. I lived for three years cooking in a caravan in the garden and making tea in the dining room when Gracia was little. She loved going to the caravan each evening to play whilst I made dinner. Thank you for reminding me of her happy little face playing with her duplo family.

Sian said...

Ooh, you have my sympathy too! Even takeaway starts to lose its charm after a few days. You know I'd invite you round if I could..

It's going to be brilliant when it's done. I can't wait for the after photos now..

alexa said...

Hoping it all goes well and that you survive the process intact! I remember vividly when we had no kitchen for three months and the microwave sat on top of the washing machine in the cloakroom!

Susanne said...

Oh good luck with the kitchen redo- but don't kid yourself that the dust from the kitchen won't float around the rest of your house. I think that kitchen cabinets get cluttered up quicker than anyplace else - how nice that you found good memories there too.

Cheri said...

Been there, done that. Now is time for the daily mantra "It will all be worth it in the end". Microwave meals and eating out gets old very quickly.