Saturday 16 May 2015

What are you reading?

That's the question asked by Cate today.
It's kind of topical at the moment too, as the librarian at the school where I work is organising a photo competition to show people reading in unusual places.  Staff have been asked to join in too - so here's me in the dog's bed ...
I'm reading Six Years by Harlan Coban.  It's intriguing but my problem is that I've only been reading it before I go to sleep at night and recently I've been so tired by the time I get into bed that I'm only reading a few pages at a time so I don't feel like I'm really getting into the story properly.  I need to either a) go to bed earlier or b) read in the evening rather than watch tv!
I'm also reading this month's Good Housekeeping magazine, trying to get inspiration for what to cook this Sunday when my mother in law is here for lunch.  She does like a good traditional dinner and I like to make the effort when she is here because I'm not convinced that she eats that well during the week when she's on her own.  Mind you, at 88, it's amazing that she still manages to cook for herself.  It's the only day of the week that I make a dessert, usually something from the freezer or a yoghurt has to suffice!  So I've got my eyes on a rather delicious looking 'Wimbledon Cup' trifle in the recipe pages.
There's also a pile of brochures for kitchen equipment that I'm working my way through.  The new kitchen starts in 2 weeks and I need to order everything else now.  We're not replacing all the equipment but a new gas hob is needed and we're also going to have integrated dishwasher and microwave so the old ones have got to go.  Who knew there was so much choice for sinks and taps?  The shopping list is growing daily.  We're still within budget though - just!
I'm starting to think about which books to take with me on my summer holiday in August - do you have a 'must read' book that you think I'll like?  I seem to have got in a routine of reading psychological thrillers so maybe I need to go back to something a bit lighter!
I'm looking forward to browsing blogs to see what others are reading this week.
Over half way through Blogging Every Day in May - I've surprised myself!


Sian said...

That sounds like a great competition. Now I'm trying to think if I've been caught reading anywhere unusual lately.

Yes: I've been wondering about holiday reading too. It has got to that time. I saw a book about the history of knitting in the First World war, but I'm sure if I took it on holiday I'd spend most of the week wishing I'd brought something a bit easier going instead

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ha! An interesting place to read. I'm currently reading Cross Stitch, while watching Outlander, it's TV counterpart.

This West London Life said...

I hope you make Wimbledon Cup, it's delicious (even if it did take far longer than anticipated!).
On the reading front, I have The Life Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo and The History of Love by Nicole Krauss, both of which I've seen popping up on blogs.